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lawyer, 23 years of experience in enforcement.
Zakonom Ukrayiny «Pro vnesennya zmin do deyakykh zakoniv Ukrayiny shchodo okremykh osoblyvostey orhanizatsiyi prymusovoho vykonannya sudovykh rishenʹ i rishenʹ inshykh orhaniv pid chas diyi voyennoho stanu» vid 11.04.2023 № 3048-IX (dali – Zakon № 3048-IX) z 06.05.2023 ponovleno diyu postanov pro aresht koshtiv borzhnykiv Odnochasno Zakonodavtsem, tymchasovo, na period diyi viysʹkvoho stanu v Ukrayini, nadano mozhlyvistʹ borzhnykam (lyshe fizychnym osobam), na koshty yakykh nakladeno aresht vykonavtsem, zdiysnyuvaty vydatkovi operatsiyi z potochnoho rakhunku na sumu v rozmiri, shcho protyahom misyatsya ne perevyshchuye 2 rozmiriv minimalʹnoyi zarobitnoyi platy, vstanovlenoyi zakonom pro Derzhavnyy byudzhet Ukrayiny na 1 sichnya potochnoho roku, a takozh splachuvaty podatky, zbory bez urakhuvannya takoho areshtu, za umovy, shcho takyy potochnyy rakhunok vykonavtsem vyznacheno dlya zdiysnennya vydatkovykh operatsiy. Otzhe, pry nakladenni areshtu na koshty, shcho rozmishcheni na dekilʹkokh potochnykh rakhunkakh borzhnyka v odnomu banku abo na potochnykh rakhunkakh u riznykh bankakh, abo za nayavnosti dekilʹkokh vykonavchykh provadzhenʹ stosovno odniyeyi osoby dlya vsikh vykonavchykh provadzhenʹ dlya zdiysnennya vydatkovykh operatsiy mozhe buty vyznachenyy lyshe odyn rakhunok borzhnyka v odnomu banku. Zvertayu uvahu, shcho na rozmir sumy, yaka ne pidlyahaye zvernennyu styahnennya i na yaku borzhnyk mozhe zdiysnyuvaty vydatkovi operatsiyi, ne vplyvaye kilʹkistʹ vykonavchykh provadzhenʹ. Dlya vyznachennya takoho rakhunku u banku borzhnyk povynen zvernutysya do orhanu derzhavnoyi vykonavchoyi sluzhby abo pryvatnoho vykonavtsya, yaki naklaly aresht na koshty, iz zayavoyu pro vyznachennya potochnoho rakhunku u yakiy zaznachyty nomer tsʹoho potochnoho rakhunku ta naymenuvannya banku, v yakomu vidkryto takyy rakhunok. Zayava mozhe buty podana yak v paperoviy formi (naruchno abo zasobamy poshtovoho zvʺyazku), tak i v elektronniy formi z dotrymannyam vymoh, vstanovlenykh chynnym zakonodavstvom, z·hidno z yakym dlya identyfikatsiyi avtora elektronnoho dokumenta mozhe vykorystovuvatysya elektronnyy pidpys. Takozh vstanovleno pevni vymohy do zayavy pro vyznachennya potochnoho rakhunku u banku dlya zdiysnennya vydatkovykh operatsiy khocha yiyi forma takoyi zayavy ne peredbachenoyu. Prote, za zahalʹnymy pravylamy mozhlyvo potribno zaznachaty, zokrema: naymenuvannya orhanu derzhavnoyi vykonavchoyi sluzhby abo pryvatnoho vykonavtsya, do yakoho podayetʹsya zayava; prizvyshche, imʺya ta po batʹkovi zayavnyka; mistse prozhyvannya chy perebuvannya, adresa elektronnoyi poshty (za nayavnosti); nomer vykonavchoho provadzhennya v avtomatyzovaniy systemi vykonavchoho provadzhennya toshcho; data ta pidpys. Zvertayemo uvahu, shcho borzhnyk nese vidpovidalʹnistʹ za pravdyvistʹ zaznachenoyi u zayavi informatsiyi. Vykonavetsʹ protyahom dvokh robochykh dniv z dnya otrymannya vidpovidnoyi zayavy vynosytʹ postanovu pro vyznachennya potochnoho rakhunku borzhnyka u banku dlya zdiysnennya vydatkovykh operatsiy ta nevidkladno, ale ne piznishe nastupnoho robochoho dnya pislya vynesennya postanovy zdiysnyuye taki diyi: - nadaye/nadsylaye vidpovidnu postanovu banku (obsluhovuyuchomu banku); - pereviryaye nayavnistʹ inshykh vykonavchykh provadzhenʹ, vidkrytykh stosovno borzhnyka, ta, u razi yakshcho stosovno borzhnyka vidkryti inshi vykonavchi provadzhennya, odnochasno nadaye/nadsylaye vidpovidnu postanovu do orhaniv derzhavnoyi vykonavchoyi sluzhby abo pryvatnomu vykonavtsyu, yaki zdiysnyuyutʹ prymusove vykonannya u takykh vykonavchykh provadzhennyakh. U takomu razi potochnyy rakhunok, zaznachenyy u vidpovidniy postanovi, vvazhayetʹsya vyznachenym dlya zdiysnennya vydatkovykh operatsiy i v mezhakh takykh vykonavchykh provadzhenʹ. Vazhlyvo! Zupynennya vchynennya vykonavchykh diy abo zupynennya vykonavchoho provadzhennya ne ye pershkodoyu dlya vyznachennya potochnoho rakhunku dlya zdiysnennya vydatkovykh operatsiy. Zvertayemo uvahu, shcho aresht z koshtiv ne znimayetʹsya, razom z tym, pislya vyznachennya potochnoho rakhunku u banku dlya zdiysnennya vydatkovykh operatsiy fizychni osoby-borzhnyky, koshty yakykh areshtovano, zmozhutʹ korystuvatysya shchomisyatsya sumoyu do dvokh rozmiriv minimalʹnykh zarobitnykh plat (stanom na 01.01.2024 – 16 000 hrn) (otzhe, zvernennya styahnennya u mezhakh tsʹoho rozmiru na takomu rakhunku ne bude zdiysnyuvatysya), a zalyshok koshtiv, shcho bude nakopychuvatysya na rakhunku v banku, mozhe buty spysanyy vykonavtsem. Tsya norma zakonodavstva bude diyaty lyshe na period viysʹkovoho stanu, ta vidpovidno pislya yoho prypynennya aresht koshtiv povernetʹsya u povnomu obsyazi. Zvazhayuchy na tse ta dlya unyknennya nepryyemnykh naslidkiv, u tsey period, dotsilʹnym bude zvernutysʹ do vidpovidnoho fakhivtsya za dopomohoyu yakoho vyrishyty pytannya po borhu ta znyattya areshtu z rakhunkiv. Na tsʹomu etapi, yakshcho navitʹ suma borhu ye znachnoyu, nashi fakhivtsi dopomozhutʹ u pidhotovka myrovoyi uhody z kredytorom ta domovlenistʹ z kredytorom.
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The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding Certain Features of the Organization of Enforcement of Court Decisions and Decisions of Other Bodies During Martial Law" dated 04/11/2023 No. 3048-IX (hereinafter - Law No. 3048-IX) was renewed from 05/06/2023 effect of decrees on seizure of debtors' funds At the same time, the Legislature, temporarily, during the period of martial law in Ukraine, provided the opportunity for debtors (only natural persons), whose funds have been seized by the executor, to carry out spending transactions from the current account in an amount that does not exceed 2 times the minimum wage during the month , established by the law on the State Budget of Ukraine as of January 1 of the current year, as well as to pay taxes and fees without taking into account such a seizure, provided that such a current account is designated by the executor for spending operations. Therefore, when imposing a seizure on funds placed on several current accounts of the debtor in one bank or on current accounts in different banks, or in the presence of several enforcement proceedings against one person, only one debtor's account can be determined for all enforcement proceedings to carry out expenditure operations in one bank. Please note that the amount of the amount that is not subject to recovery and for which the debtor can carry out expenditure transactions is not affected by the number of enforcement proceedings. To determine such a bank account, the debtor must apply to the body of the state executive service or a private executor, who imposed a seizure on the funds, with a statement on determining the current account, in which the number of this current account and the name of the bank in which such an account is opened should be indicated. The application can be submitted both in paper form (by hand or by postal means) and in electronic form in compliance with the requirements established by the current legislation, according to which an electronic signature can be used to identify the author of an electronic document. There are also certain requirements for the application to determine a bank current account for spending transactions, although the form of such an application is not prescribed. However, according to general rules, it may be necessary to specify, in particular: name of the state executive service body or private executor to which the application is submitted; surname, first name and patronymic of the applicant; place of residence or stay, e-mail address (if available); enforcement proceedings number in the automated enforcement proceedings system, etc.; date and signature. Please note that the debtor is responsible for the truthfulness of the information specified in the application. Within two working days from the date of receipt of the relevant application, the executor issues a resolution on determining the debtor's current account in the bank for spending transactions and immediately, but no later than the next working day after the resolution is issued, performs the following actions: - provides/sends the relevant resolution to the bank (servicing bank); - verifies the presence of other executive proceedings opened against the debtor, and, in the event that other executive proceedings are opened against the debtor, at the same time provides/sends the relevant resolution to the bodies of the state executive service or to a private executor who carry out enforcement in such executive proceedings. In such a case, the current account specified in the relevant resolution is considered to be designated for carrying out expenditure transactions within the scope of such executive proceedings. Importantly! The suspension of executive actions or the suspension of executive proceedings is not an obstacle to determining the current account for carrying out expenditure transactions. Please note that the seizure of funds is not removed, at the same time, after determining a current bank account for spending transactions, natural persons-debtors whose funds have been seized will be able to use up to two minimum wages each month (as of 01.01.2024 - 16,000 hryvnias) (therefore, collection within this amount will not be carried out on such an account), and the balance of funds that will accumulate in the bank account can be debited by the executor. This legal provision will be valid only during the period of martial law, and accordingly, after its termination, the seizure of funds will return in full.
In view of this and to avoid unpleasant consequences, during this period, it would be advisable to contact the appropriate specialist with the help of which to resolve the issue of debt and the removal of attachment from accounts. At this stage, even if the amount of the debt is preliminary, our specialists will help in the preparation oof a settlement agreement with a creditor and settlement agreement with creditor. ( preparation of a settlement agreement with a creditor and pre-trial settlement of disputes )