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The FRU reports that the decision to launch "is Mission" is on its way to being adopted
The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has been finalized and sent to the Government for consideration.
On October 20, the Federation of Employers of Ukraine once again appealed to the Prime Minister of Ukraine to make a decision on the introduction of the "e-Travel" program as soon as possible.
In the letter of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine dated November 14, 2022, it was reported that the project of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "Some issues of the implementation of the experimental project regarding the registration of the "e-Trip" and sending it for consideration by the Government on November 11, 2022. So we are expecting a decision in the near future.
It should be noted that on August 19, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the decision on the procedure for border crossing by employees of enterprises for the purpose of short-term business trips and the introduction of the "eTrip" program.
At the same time, for 3 months in a row, discussions regarding the introduction of the "eTravel" program have been ongoing, and until now enterprises of the real sector of the economy do not have the opportunity to fully conduct their economic activities.
Today, crossing the border for official purposes is possible only for enlisted conscript workers, as well as other categories of persons specified in the Rules for crossing the state border by citizens of Ukraine, approved by Resolution No. 57 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated January 27, 1995, to which the majority of enterprise employees do not belongs to
From time to time, the list of persons who are allowed to cross the border is expanded.Thus, in accordance with the latest amendments to the legislation, the right to cross the border has been granted to persons going to work on seagoing vessels, inland navigation vessels as part of the crews of such vessels or to undergo practical training on vessels, aviation personnel.
An important element of ensuring a reliable economic front during martial law is the work of enterprises in the rear, which ensure the stability of the state's economy by preserving jobs, paying labor and, accordingly, financially supporting the families of workers, paying taxes and contributions.
Conscripted workers are involved in the processes of uninterrupted operation of enterprises, timely fulfillment of orders, and continuation of the functioning of enterprises as a whole.
Employees of enterprises must perform their functions, including abroad, in particular for testing, installation and commissioning of work equipment supplied within the scope of contracts, participation in exhibitions (fairs) for the promotion of products of national manufacturers, search for new counterparties and conclusion of new contracts, prevention non-fulfillment of obligations under current foreign economic contracts, development of other elements of business activity.
Thus, conscripts who work at enterprises, as well as military personnel, perform certain tasks for the protection of economic national security in order to preserve the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Business expresses its full support for the Government's desire to settle this issue and hopes for a decision by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the near future on the introduction of the "eTravel" program as one of the key and most anticipated changes in legislation given the conditions of martial law.
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