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In Ukraine, administrative offenses related to corruption are regulated by the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses. Here is a list of some articles of the Criminal Code of Administrative Offenses that relate to corruption offenses:
Article 172-4: Violation of restrictions on co-operation and co-operation with other types of activities.
Article 172-5: Violation of legal restrictions on receiving gifts.
Article 172-6: Violation of financial control requirements.
Article 172-7: Violation of the requirements for the prevention and settlement of conflicts of interest.
Article 172-8: Illegal use of information that has become known to a person in connection with the performance of official or other powers defined by law.
Article 172-8-1: Violation of restrictions established by law after the termination of the powers of a member of the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the fields of energy and communal services.
Article 172-9: Failure to take measures to combat corruption.
Article 172-9-1: Violation of the ban on placing bets on sports related to the manipulation of an official sports competition.
Article 172-9-2: Violation of legislation in the field of environmental impact assessment.
Liability for committing these offenses may include fines, administrative arrest, or other measures, depending on the severity of the violation and the circumstances of the case.Officials authorized to draw up a report on an administrative offense related to corruption:
Officials of the National Police are authorized to draw up reports on offenses in cases of administrative offenses related to corruption, except for offenses committed by officials who occupy a responsible and particularly responsible position.
Officials of the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption are authorized to draw up protocols on administrative offenses related to corruption committed by officials in responsible and particularly responsible positions.
The term during which the following may be prosecuted for an administrative offense related to corruption:
An administrative penalty for the commission of a corruption offense may be imposed within six months from the day of its detection, but no later than two years from the day of its commission.
Legal assistance in cases of bringing persons to administrative responsibility for offenses related to corruption:
Lawyers can provide professional legal assistance to persons who are brought to administrative responsibility for offenses related to corruption. This assistance may include:
1. Consultations on legal consequences and possible scenarios of the development of events. Consultation of a lawyer, consultation of a lawyer, analysis of documents, written consultation.
2. Representation of the client's interests in administrative bodies and courts.
3.Preparation of legal documents, such as objections to protocols, statements, complaints, petitions, legal opinion of a lawyer. Verification of documents by a lawyer.
4. Protection at the stage of consideration of an administrative offense case.
5. Assistance in resolving conflicts of interest and avoiding further offenses.
If you need more detailed information or specific legal assistance, we recommend that you contact a qualified lawyer who specializes in administrative offenses related to corruption.
Legal service "Consultant" provides legal assistance in any situation. Our lawyers, having conducted a legal analysis of the situation, will ensure the representation of interests in state authorities or courts, will take part in court hearings in any city of Ukraine. Legal protection by a lawyer is a guarantee of quality protection of your rights and interests.