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Issuance of child support: Ensuring the rights and well-being of children
Children are the future of any society, and taking care of their well-being and harmonious development is the responsibility of both parents and the state. However, in situations where parents live separately, the issue of paying child support becomes especially important. In Ukraine, the process of issuing alimony is regulated by a number of legislative norms aimed at protecting the interests of children.
What is the percentage of alimony per child?
According to the current legislation of Ukraine, the amount of alimony per child is 25% of the income of the payer of alimony. This norm applies in cases where the collection is carried out on the basis of a court decision or an agreement between parents certified by a notary.
Collection of alimony for an adult child
Parents are obliged to support their children not only until they reach the age of majority, but also after that, if the children continue their education. Therefore, the collection of alimony for an adult child is possible in the following cases:
- The child continues to acquire general secondary education - until the end of the educational institution, but no more than until the age of 23.
- The child acquires vocational or higher education in full-time education - until the completion of education, but not more than 23 years.
- The child has a serious illness or disability and needs financial assistance - until complete recovery or improvement of the health condition.
Amount of alimony per child
The amount of alimony per child may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case. In addition to the standard rate of 25% of the payer's income, the court can establish another amount of alimony, taking into account:
- Material and family situation of both parents.
- The child's health and special needs.
- Financial capabilities and other circumstances that deserve attention.
Ways of collecting alimony
There are several ways to collect child support:
1. According to the agreement between the parents, certified by a notary public.
2. By court decision.
3. On the basis of the notary's executive inscription.
4. In an undisputed manner, by applying to the state executive service.
Regardless of the method of recovery, alimony must be paid on time and in full, as this guarantees the child's right to proper maintenance and provision of his needs.
Issuance of alimony for a child is an important process for ensuring its material well-being and harmonious development. Ukrainian legislation clearly regulates the procedure and amounts of alimony, as well as provides mechanisms for their recovery in case of evasion of payment. Parents should remember that the child cannot be the payback for conflicts between them, and his interests and rights should be a priority. Only due to a responsible attitude to parental duties can a decent future be ensured for the next generations.