Practicing attorney and lawyer with more than 12 years of practical experience in various branches of law
In this article we will again talk to you about new changes in the rules of mobilization, which want to introduce in the bill 10378, authored by Maryana Bezuglaya.
- We will discuss here the sensational news about the reduction of the draft age and about the basic military service for those who have not yet reached this age.
- Many parents are watching these changes with horror with fears that their child may be taken to war. And in fact the fears are not unfounded, if of course the bill passes.
- Let's discuss just that.
Conscription age in Ukraine in a new way
Now the draft age in Ukraine is from 27 years old.
- And in the bill 10378 it is planned to reduce the draft age to 25 years. And what does it mean and what does it affect?
- To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the difference between the concepts of conscript and conscript.
- Conscripts are now considered to be persons from 18 to 27 years of age, who are assigned to military stations.
- And persons from the age of 27 are considered to be liable for military duty.
- A conscript cannot be mobilized without his voluntary consent.
- Only if he gives his voluntary consent to mobilization and signs a contract. And if he does not give and does not sign - then they can not.
In this case, the conscript under the current legislation can be sent for compulsory military service, which is now canceled for the duration of martial law in Ukraine.
- It turns out that persons under 27 years of age get as if an additional guarantee of security that up to 27 years of age they can not be sent to war without their consent, even if they do not have any grounds for deferment from mobilization.
- At the same time, from the age of 27, with or without consent, a person can be forcibly mobilized and forced to fight.
- And now they want to lower this threshold, when a person is forced to fight without his consent, to 25 years of age.
Basic military service for those from the age of 18 instead of compulsory military service
- And now this planned change scares parents even more than lowering the draft age bar.
- From 18 to 27 years of age under the current legislation, a person can be forcibly called up only for compulsory military service, which was canceled because of the war.
- At the same time, instead of it they want to introduce a new type of military service - basic military service.
- And on it will be able to call up already persons from 18 to 25 years (or 27 years), depending on what draft age will be.
- And if earlier parents of children who have recently graduated from school were sure that if they did not sign a contract, they would be safe in the coming years.
- Now there is no such confidence. Because they want to introduce basic military service for them. To which they will be able to send from the age of 18.
In this article I told about the reduction of the age of conscription and about the basic military service for those who have not yet reached this age.
Now the accompaniment of a lawyer in TCC and SP - a very relevant service, hiding from the military enlistment office is not always the way out, if there is a summons to the military enlistment office, and a fine for failure to appear in the military enlistment office - not the worst thing.
Support of a lawyer at military point is what you need if you don't want responsibility for failure to appear before the military commissariat, penalty for failure to appear at the military commissariat is not the worst responsibility, hiding from the military commissariat is not always good.