Samokhvalov Sergey Volodymyrovych

Ukraine / Kyiv
1 500 UAH/hour



About the consultant

I have a certificate of the right to practice law, a practicing lawyer. Total experience in the profession - 18 years. There is successful experience in representing the interests of individuals and legal entities in civil, economic, administrative and criminal court proceedings, including in the Supreme Court. I have experience in drafting and submitting applications to the European Court of Human Rights. I have successful experience in providing legal assistance to military personnel, conscripts, internally displaced persons and persons injured as a result of hostilities.

The language the consultant communicates
  • English
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian

Rewards and recognition:


  • 1996-2001, Mariupol Humanitarian University


  • From 17.10.2002 to 23.02.2003 - private enterprise "Alliance-GiS", position - legal advisor;
  • From 02.11.2004 to 07.11.2011 - Mariupol wagon depot of the state enterprise "Donetsk Railway", position - legal advisor;
  • From 11.11.2011 to 31.05.2014 – Mariupol City Bar Association, position - attorney's assistant;
  • From 26.07.2014 to 31.12.2015 - "Delta M" law company, position - regional lawyer;
  • From 01.03.2016 to 28.01.2019 – Mariupol local center for providing free secondary legal assistance, position: head of the representation department;
  • From February 1, 2019 at the present time, I am engaged in individual advocacy. Also provided secondary legal assistance as a lawyer with a local center for the provision of BVPD.



The number is successful


Evaluation of the quality of the quality of service provision by the consultant

UAH 20,161.85

The total amount of money earned on service


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Текст відгука

Lawyer Samokhvalov Sergey: protection of rights and legal assistance in Vinnytsia

Samokhvalov Sergey Vladimirovich is an experienced lawyer in Vinnytsia with 18 years of experience, specializing in civil, criminal, commercial, administrative, land, military and pension law. 

His practice includes protection of the rights of individuals and legal entities, representation of clients in courts of all instances, including the Supreme Court and the European Court of Human Rights.

📍 Region of work: Vinnytsia, online throughout Ukraine
📞 Contact phone: +38 (063) 625-03-03

Key services of lawyer Sergey Samokhvalov

Legal consultations and legal representation

  • Oral and written consultations – legal analysis of the situation, development of an effective defense strategy, recommendations for further actions.
  • Lawyer's requests – obtaining the necessary information to protect the rights of clients from government agencies and enterprises.
  • Drafting procedural documents for the court – statements of claim, appeals, cassation complaints, applications to the European Court of Human Rights.
  • Representation in courts of all instances – Vinnytsia, Kyiv, the Supreme Court, international judicial bodies.
  • Pre-trial and judicial defense in criminal cases – support from the beginning of the investigation to the end of the trial.


  •  Compensation for material and moral damages
  • Defense in disputes over loan agreements – review of loan terms, appeal of penalties

  •  Labor disputes and resumption of work – protection of workers' rights in case of illegal dismissal
  • Collection of wage arrears through the court – protection of workers' interests in disputes with employers
  • Distribution of property after divorce – legal support in complex family matters


How to get a debt back if the debtor refuses to pay voluntarily?


If the debtor does not fulfill his obligations, you should first send him a claim. If there is no response, go to court with a statement of claim. A court order or decision will allow you to collect the debt through the enforcement service.


How to appeal a loan agreement if the bank has calculated large fines and interest?


Banks often change the terms of the agreement unilaterally. If you do not agree to the new terms, you can appeal the loan agreement in court. A lawyer will help prove the illegality of the fines imposed and reduce the debt.



  • Defense in cases under Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - intentional murder (development of a line of defense, appeal of charges)
  • Defense in cases under Art. 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - theft (reduction of punishment or complete exemption from liability)
  • Defense in cases under Art. 186 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - robbery (appealing an arrest, searching for evidence in favor of the defendant)

  •   Defense in cases under Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - robbery (legal support at all stages of the investigation)
  • Defense in cases under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - violation of traffic rules resulting in an accident (defense of drivers in criminal cases)
  • Defense in cases under Art. 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - tax evasion (support of businesses during inspections)
  • Defense in cases under Art. 408 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - desertion (defense of military personnel in criminal cases)
  • Defense in cases under Art. 409 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - refusal to perform military service


What should I do if I am accused of a crime I did not commit?


First of all, do not give explanations without a lawyer. You have the right to defense and are not obliged to answer the investigator's questions without legal support. A lawyer will help collect evidence of innocence and protect your rights in court.


Is it possible to avoid criminal liability for theft (Article 185 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)?


In some cases, a criminal case can be closed by reconciliation of the parties or the actions can be recognized as insignificant. If there is insufficient evidence, a lawyer can achieve complete acquittal.



  • Debt collection under business contracts – protection of interests of entrepreneurs, sole proprietors, legal entities
  • Legal assistance to enterprises in disputes with counterparties – preparation of statements of claim, claims, settlement agreements.


What to do if the counterparty does not fulfill the terms of the contract?


First, you need to file a claim. If the violation is not corrected, you can go to the commercial court to recover damages or terminate the contract.


How to avoid fines when a business is inspected by regulatory authorities?


It is important to know your rights and legal requirements. A lawyer can help appeal illegal fines and prepare the right strategy to protect your business.


 How to register ownership of a land plot?


To do this, you need to prepare documents, register in the State Land Cadastre and obtain an extract from the Register of Rights to Real Estate.


What to do if the local government refuses to provide land?


The refusal can be challenged in court. The court can oblige the authority to make a positive decision or restore the violated right.



  •  Defense in cases under Art. 130 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine – driving while intoxicated (appealing fines, returning a driver's license)
  • Defense in cases under Art. 173 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine – petty hooliganism
  • Defense in cases of alimony collection – ensuring children's rights to financial support
  • Appealing fines from regulatory authorities – protecting businesses in disputes with government agencies.


How to appeal a fine for drunk driving (Article 130 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine)?


If the fine was imposed illegally or there are doubts about the accuracy of the alcohol test, you can appeal the decision in court. It is important to act quickly, since the deadline for filing a complaint is limited.


What to do if the police drew up a report for petty hooliganism (Article 173 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine)?


If you do not agree with the protocol, you must provide the court with evidence of your innocence (recordings from cameras, eyewitness testimony). A lawyer will help you build the right line of defense.



  • Appealing the illegal dismissal of military personnel
  • Collection of unpaid military payments through the court
  • Reinstatement to military service
  • Appealing the financial liability of military personnel - proof of the illegality of the financial claims of the command


How to get a deferment from mobilization?


Deferment is granted for certain categories: health condition, family circumstances, reservation at the enterprise. A lawyer will help to correctly draw up documents and request a TCC.


What to do if a serviceman was illegally dismissed from service?


If the dismissal was carried out in violation of the law, it is necessary to go to court. A lawyer will help to collect evidence of the illegality of the dismissal and achieve reinstatement.



  • Assignment and recalculation of pensions for military personnel
  • Protection of social payments through the court
  • Pension payments for Chernobyl liquidators - support in obtaining proper compensation


How to get a recalculation of a pension for a military serviceman?


If the pension was underestimated or incorrectly calculated, you can contact the Pension Fund with a request for recalculation. In case of refusal, go to court.


What to do if the Pension Fund refuses to pay a pension to a Chernobyl liquidator?


It is necessary to file an official complaint. If the refusal is not overturned, you can go to court. In many cases, the court obliges the Pension Fund to pay all debts.



  • Recognition of ownership of inherited property through the court
  • Registration of inheritance if documents for the property are lost
  • Appealing illegal wills and deeds of gift
  • Restoring lost documents through the court.


How to get an inheritance if documents for the property are lost?


You can apply to the court with a statement of claim for restoration of property rights. The court will consider all evidence: certificates, extracts from registers, archival documents.


 What should I do if other heirs challenge my right to inheritance?


In such cases, it is necessary to apply to the court with a statement of claim for recognition of ownership of the inherited property.


  •  Divorce through the court – even if one of the spouses does not consent
  • Distribution of property during divorce – calculation of shares, recognition of property rights
  • Alimony collection – including from military personnel, entrepreneurs, citizens of other countries
  • Deprivation of parental rights – in case of evasion of raising children
  • Establishing paternity or challenging paternity
  • Challenging a marriage contract – recognition of it invalid


How to file for divorce if the spouse does not agree?


If one of the spouses does not agree to a divorce or avoids court hearings, divorce is possible through the court.


Is it possible to collect alimony if the second parent is unofficially employed?


So, even if there is no official income, the court can determine a fixed amount of alimony based on the average salary in the region or other income of the debtor.


Examples of successful cases of the lawyer

  1. Appealing penalties of regulatory authorities - an illegal decision to impose a fine on a legal entity was canceled.
  2. Exemption of the debtor from paying interest and penalties under the loan agreement - the Supreme Court decision in favor of the client.

  3.   Renewal in military service - an illegal order to dismiss a serviceman was canceled.
  4. Recognition of ownership of a land plot - protection of the client's rights in a dispute with local authorities.
  5. Release from administrative liability – decision on 15 days of arrest cancelled.

Why choose Sergei Samokhvalov?

18 years of experience in human rights protection

Defense in courts of all instances, including the Supreme Court Court

Support in complex cases against banks, employers, government agencies

Individual approach to each client

Guarantee of thorough analysis and preparation of each case


Lawyer Samokhvalov Sergey Vladimirovich is your reliable defender in complex legal matters, who has many years of experience in the courts of Ukraine.

By contacting Sergey, you will receive:
Qualified legal assistance in any difficult situation.
Protection of your rights in courts of all instances, including the Supreme Court and international bodies.
Appealing illegal decisions of government agencies, employers, financial institutions and counterparties.
Effective defense strategy in criminal cases and pre-trial settlement of disputes.
Full legal support in financial, inheritance, land and family matters.

If you need a reliable lawyer in Vinnitsa or legal assistance online, contact us today!

📞 Call now: +38 (063) 625-03-03
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