
Get Canadian citizenship. Legal support

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    Written legal analysis
    2 UAH 4,400.00
    • A description of the situation, which disturbs the legal analysis, is carried out. 
    • The circumstances of the case, the presence or absence of documents relevant to the situation are established. 
    • A full oral communication is conducted in order to establish all the necessary circumstances of the case. 
    • The client's expectations regarding the results of service provision are established. 
    • An analysis of the current legislation that regulates the problem is carried out. 
    • An analysis of judicial practice regarding this issue is carried out. 
    • The lawyer's personal experience in solving such or similar problems is described. 
    • The conclusion is described, in which a conclusion is given regarding the impossibility of solving the problem or ways to solve the problem. 
    • Each way to solve the problem is described separately and is formed in the form of a table indicating the specific actions of the specialist, the term of the service as a whole and each stage separately (if the service consists of stages), the result of the provision of the service or stage, as well as the price of the service or stage.
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2 UAH 4,400.00

How to obtain Canadian citizenship. Legal assistance

Canadian citizenship is a legal status that provides a person with the full range of rights and responsibilities established by Canadian law. Possession of Canadian citizenship provides the right to vote, access to government programs and social services, protection of the state abroad, as well as many other privileges. Obtaining Canadian citizenship also guarantees freedom of movement within the country without restrictions. Becoming a Canadian citizen involves accepting this country as your homeland and committing to upholding its laws and values. It is impossible to obtain Canadian citizenship for money. Canadian citizenship can be acquired through the naturalization process. In general, in order to become a Canadian citizen, you must meet the following basic requirements:

  • Permanent Resident Status: Before applying for citizenship, you must be a permanent resident of Canada and know the conditions for obtaining Canadian citizenship. This means that you must have a Permanent Resident Card or refugee status.


  • Residence in Canada: Typically, to apply for citizenship, you must have lived in Canada for a certain period of time. Usually this is five years in a row, but there are other conditions. For example, if you have refugee status, you can apply for citizenship after a shorter period.


  • Physical Presence: For a certain period of five years that you must live in Canada, you are required to spend a certain amount of time in the country. It usually takes two years over a five year period to become a Canadian citizen by 2024.


  • Knowledge of one of Canada's official languages (English or French): To obtain citizenship, you need to prove your knowledge of one of Canada's two official languages, in most cases this is verified by a language test.


  • Knowledge of Canada: You must also successfully complete the Canadian Knowledge Test to obtain Canadian citizenship scores, which includes questions about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and Canadian culture and history.


  • Once these requirements are met, you can apply for Canadian citizenship through IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) and, if successful, receive Canadian citizenship.

Legal stages of obtaining Canadian citizenship:

The process of obtaining Canadian citizenship includes several legal stages:

  • Permanent Resident Status: First of all, in order to become a Canadian citizen, you must have permanent resident status. This means you need to apply to an immigration program that matches your qualifications and circumstances and successfully complete the process of becoming a permanent resident.


  • Residence period expires: Once you become a permanent resident, you are required to live in Canada for a certain period of time before you can apply for citizenship. This is usually five years, but there may be exceptions for certain categories of immigrants.


  • How to Apply for Canadian Citizenship: Once you meet all the requirements, you can apply for citizenship through IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada). In your application, you will provide your personal information, information about your permanent resident status, and take tests to test your knowledge of Canadian language and culture.


  • Application review: After submitting your application, your application will be reviewed by the competent authorities. This includes verifying your qualifications for citizenship as well as verifying the information you have provided.


  • Oath Ceremony: If your citizenship application is successful and you successfully pass the Canadian Citizenship Test, you will be asked to take the oath required of all new Canadian citizens. This usually takes place in a special ceremony where you reaffirm your commitment to Canada and its values.


  • Obtaining a civil certificate: After completing the ceremonyyagi, you will receive a certificate of citizenship confirming your status as a Canadian citizen.

When obtaining Canadian citizenship, contacting a lawyer can be helpful to ensure you meet all legal requirements and maximize your chances of successfully obtaining Canadian citizenship. Here are a few legal stages in which the help of a lawyer can be important:

  • Assessing qualifications and preparing documents: A lawyer can help you evaluate your qualifications for citizenship, as well as prepare the necessary documents to ensure that all requirements have been met correctly.


  • Help navigating the law: The Canadian citizenship process can be complex, especially for those unfamiliar with local laws. A lawyer can explain all the steps and requirements, help you understand your rights and responsibilities, and provide assistance if legal issues arise.


  • Representing you before the competent authorities: A lawyer can act as your representative before IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) and other relevant authorities during the consideration of your application for Canadian citizenship 2024. This may include communicating with them, representing your interests and responding to possible requests for additional information.


  • Assistance in case of refusal or unforeseen circumstances: If your citizenship application is rejected or other legal problems arise, a lawyer will be able to offer you advice and assistance in appealing the decision or resolving other problems that arise.


  • Ensuring that you meet the deadlines and procedures required for Canadian citizenship: Obtaining Canadian citizenship can take a long time and requires compliance with various deadlines and procedures. A lawyer will help you keep track of these deadlines and ensure that all necessary procedures are followed.

Under what conditions can the service be provided?

Legal assistance in obtaining Canadian citizenship may be provided under a variety of conditions, including, but not limited to:

  • Have Legal Questions or Uncertainties: If you have legal questions or uncertainties regarding your qualifications for citizenship, the procedures, requirements, or rights and responsibilities of citizenship, the services of an attorney may be helpful.


  • Documents for Canadian Citizenship: A lawyer can help you prepare all the necessary documents, forms and materials needed to apply for citizenship to ensure they meet all requirements.


  • Representing you before authorities: If you would like to have a professional representative about how to apply for Canadian citizenship who will communicate with authorities on your behalf, a lawyer can act in this role and ensure that your interests are effectively represented.


  • Ensuring Rights and Procedures are Complied with: A lawyer can ensure that the entire citizenship process follows applicable laws and procedures, and can help you meet all deadlines and requirements.


  • Solving your legal problems regarding Canada citizenship: If you are experiencing legal problems or difficulties in the process of obtaining citizenship, a lawyer can help you find solutions to these problems and ensure your success.

Under what conditions can the service not be provided?

Legal assistance regarding Canadian citizenship conditions may not be available or appropriate. Here are some common examples:

  • Illegal Acts or Bad Intentions: If your intentions involve breaking laws or deception, a lawyer will not be able to assist you legally in achieving such goals.


  • Client's inability to provide necessary information provides Canadian citizenship: If a client is unable to provide documents or information necessary for a case, the lawyer may have difficulty providing assistance.


  • Conflict of Interest: If a lawyer has a conflict of interestsadvice on how to obtain Canadian citizenship, for example, if he is already representing another party involved in your case, or if representing you is contrary to his professional ethics, he may refuse to provide services.


  • Priority to other clients: If the lawyer has other clients with more urgent or priority matters, he may not be able to provide his full legal assistance to you at the time of your request.


  • Need for specialized knowledge or skills in the field of Canadian citizenship: If your case requires specialized knowledge or experience that your lawyer does not possess, he may recommend that you contact another specialist or lawyer.

How to figure it out on your own?

It is possible to apply for Canadian citizenship on your own, but it requires careful study of information and following certain steps. Here are the step-by-step instructions:

  • Learn the requirements for obtaining Canadian citizenship: Visit the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC official website of Immigration and Citizenship Canada) and study information about the requirements and process for obtaining citizenship, how to properly apply for Canadian citizenship.


  • Assess your qualifications: Make sure you meet basic requirements such as permanent resident status, length of residence in Canada and language skills.


  • Gather the necessary documents: Determine what documents you will need to apply for citizenship and start collecting them.


  • Prepare your application: Fill out the citizenship application form by following the instructions on the official IRCC website.


  • Take the Canadian Citizenship Test: If required, prepare for the language test and the Canadian Knowledge Test (Canadian History for Citizenship). Use the resources on the IRCC website to prepare.


  • Submit your application: After careful verification and preparation, submit your citizenship application according to the instructions on the IRCC website.


  • Monitor your application status: Regularly check the status of your citizenship application on the IRCC website and follow instructions for additional steps if required.


  • Prepare for the Oath Ceremony: Once your application is approved, you will be invited to the Oath Ceremony. Prepare for this moment and take the oath.

This is a general guide on how to independently understand the process of obtaining Canadian citizenship. It is important to carefully review the information on the official IRCC website and follow the instructions to ensure successful completion of the process. If you have questions about how to apply for Canadian citizenship, do not hesitate to contact IRCC officials or qualified immigration lawyers for further information.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What is Canada's citizenship law? The law on Canadian citizenship is set out in the Federal Citizenship of Canada Act. This Act sets out the rules and procedures regarding the acquisition, revocation and loss of Canadian citizenship and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. The latest version of the Federal Citizenship of Canada Act was enacted in 1977, and various amendments and changes have been made since then. The basic provisions and requirements for Canadian citizenship are described in detail in this Act and related regulations.


  • Does Canada allow dual citizenship? Yes, Canada allows dual citizenship. This means that Canadian citizens have the right to hold citizenship of another country or countries without any restrictions or obstacles from Canadian authorities. Canadian law does not prohibit its citizens from acquiring or maintaining citizenship of other countries, even if they acquire Canadian citizenship.


  • How to obtain Canadian citizenship by investment? To obtain Canadian citizenship by investment, you can use the investment immigration program known as the Canada Investor Program. Here are the key steps: Compliance: SleepFirst, make sure you meet all requirements of Canada's Investment Immigration Program, including minimum investment amounts and certain personal asset levels. Applying for Canadian Citizenship by Investment: Complete and submit the Investment Immigration Program application through the Canadian authority responsible for the program. Canadian Citizenship Investment: Invest the required amount in the Canadian economy in accordance with the program requirements. Typically this may involve investing in Canadian businesses or funds. Application Assessment: Your application will be reviewed by the competent authorities in Canada and you may be required to provide additional documentation or an interview to confirm your qualifications and intentions. Obtaining Citizenship: Once you have completed all the requirements of the investment immigration program and have become a permanent resident of Canada, you will be able to apply for citizenship according to the normal procedures and requirements described in the previous answers.


  • What questions may there be regarding Canadian citizenship? The Canada Citizenship Test includes questions about various aspects of life in Canada, its history, and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Below are some typical categories of questions that may appear on the exam: History of Canada: When and how was the Canadian Union formed? Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? What cultural and historical events influenced the formation of Canada? Government and Politics: Who is the current Prime Minister of Canada? What is the name of the head of state of Canada? What political parties are involved in Canadian politics? Legislation and rights: What does the principle of equality before the law mean in Canada? What rights and freedoms are guaranteed by the Canadian Constitution? What are the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in Canada? Culture and society: What languages are official in Canada? What holidays are celebrated in Canada and how do they reflect the country's cultural diversity? What sporting and cultural events are popular in Canada? Geography and environment: What are the largest lakes and rivers in Canada? Which regions of Canada have a special climate and landscape? What natural resources are important to Canada's economy?


  • How to obtain Canadian citizenship at birth? If you were born in Canada, you are usually automatically recognized as a Canadian citizen. However, there are a few exceptions and features that are worth considering: Jus soli principle: Canada has a jus soli principle, or land principle, according to which every child born in Canada is automatically recognized as a Canadian citizen, regardless of the citizenship of the parents. Exceptions for diplomatic and consular personnel: Children born in Canada to foreign diplomats or consular personnel do not automatically become Canadian citizens. Exceptions for Temporary Foreign Workers and Students: Children of temporary foreign workers and students who are in Canada on temporary residence permits generally do not become Canadian citizens by birth. Documentation and proof of status: To prove citizenship, your child may need an official birth certificate issued in Canada. Getting help about the requirements for Canadian citizenship: If you have questions about your child's citizenship, you can contact your local citizenship office or immigration law specialists for more information and advice.


  • Canada deprivation of citizenship, is it possible to lose it? Yes, Canadian citizenship can be revoked in certain cases. However, the process of revocation of citizenship is complex and requires strict adherence to legal procedures. Here are some situations in which Canadian citizenship may be revoked: Citizenship Cheating: If a person cheats or provides false information when applying for citizenship, citizenship may be revoked. Concealing Important Information: If a Canadian citizen conceals important facts or information about themselves during the citizenship process, this may be grounds for revocation of citizenship. Involvement in Serious Crimes: Canadian citizenship may be revoked if serious crimes such as terrorism or war crimes are committed. Canada dual citizenship: In some cases, if a Canadian citizen voluntarily accepts the citizenship of another country, his or her Canadian citizenship may be revoked. Canada sometimes does not accept dual citizenship. Cooperation with hostile forces: If a Canadian citizen engages in activities against Canadian interests or cooperates with hostile forces, his or her citizenship may be revoked.


  • How to renounce Canadian citizenship? Renunciation of Canadian citizenship can be formalized, but this is a serious and immutable step that must be conscious and carefully considered. Here are the steps that are usually followed to renounce Canadian citizenship: Preparing your application: Prepare a written application to renounce your Canadian citizenship. In the application, indicate your personal information, the reasons why you are making this decision, and your desire to renounce citizenship. Obtaining forms and instructions: Download the Application for Renunciation of Canadian Citizenship form from the official Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website or request one from your nearest Canadian consulate or embassy. Form Completion and Submission of Documents: Complete the Citizenship Renunciation Application form following the instructions and provide all required documents as required by IRCC. Submitting an Application: After completing the form and collecting all required documents, submit your application for renunciation of citizenship at the nearest Canadian consular office or mail it according to IRCC instructions. Waiting for a Decision: After submitting your application, you will have to wait for IRCC to review your request. Review times may vary depending on specific circumstances. Receive Confirmation: If your application is approved, you will receive written confirmation from IRCC that you have renounced your Canadian citizenship. Returning a Civil Certificate: Once you receive confirmation of your renunciation of citizenship, you will need to return your Civil Certificate (if one was issued) so that it can be revoked. Request for restoration of citizenship (if necessary): Once you renounce your citizenship, you may lose your rights and privileges associated with Canadian citizenship. If you wish to restore your citizenship in the future, you will have to submit a new application and go through the appropriate reinstatement process.


  • Canadian citizenship through marriage, is it possible? Yes, it is possible to obtain Canadian citizenship through marriage to a Canadian, but it is not an automatic process. Here's how it works: Obtaining Permanent Resident Status: Before you can apply for Canadian citizenship through marriage, you must first become a permanent resident of Canada. This can be achieved through family reunification programs or other immigration programs. Compliance with Conditions of Residence: Once you become a permanent resident, you must comply with all the conditions of your status, including living in Canada for a certain amount of time per year and not breaking the laws of the country. Preparing for your Citizenship Application: After you have lived in Canada for a certain amount of time (usually 3-4 years), you can apply for Canadian citizenship by learning what it takes to become a Canadian citizen. Applying for Citizenship: Prepare and submit your application for citizenship in accordance with the requirements and procedures established by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Application Review: Your application will be reviewed by IRCC and you may be invited to attend an interview or provide additional documentation if required. Swearing-in: If your application is approved, you will be invited to a swearing-in ceremony where you will pledge allegiance to Canada. Obtaining Citizenship: After completing the oath ceremony, you will receive a certificate of citizenship confirming your status as a Canadian citizen.


  • Canadian citizenship for Ukrainian refugees, what is the procedure? For Ukrainian refugees wishing to obtain Canadian citizenship, the procedure is as follows: Obtaining refugee status: You must first obtain refugee status in Canada. This may be achieved through the asylum process or other protection programs. Residence in Canada: Once you receive refugee status, you must live in Canada for a certain period of time before you can apply for citizenship. Compliance with Laws and Regulations: You are expected to strictly comply with Canadian laws and residency regulations during your stay. Assessing Qualifications for Citizenship: Before applying for citizenship, ensure that you meet all requirements, including length of residence and other criteria. Document preparation: Gather all necessary documents, including documents confirming your refugee status and residence in Canada. Applying for Citizenship: Fill out the citizenship application form and provide all required documents as per the instructions on the IRCC official website. Passing interviews and tests: After submitting your application, you may be scheduled for interviews and tests on your knowledge of the language and culture of Canada. Consideration of application: VaYour application will be reviewed by the appropriate authorities and you will be notified of the decision. Swearing-in: If your application is approved, you will be invited to a swearing-in ceremony where you will pledge allegiance to Canada. Obtaining Citizenship: After completing the oath ceremony, you will receive a certificate of citizenship confirming your status as a Canadian citizen.


  • What is the Canadian citizenship ceremony like? Ceremony participants gather in a hall that is usually decorated with Canadian flags and other symbols. The greetings are given by an official, such as a government official or a judge. Participants are issued a citizenship certificate confirming their status as Canadian citizens. An oath or oath is taken in which participants promise allegiance to Canada, to carry out its laws and defend its rights. During the ceremony, passages from the Canadian Constitution or other symbolic texts may be read. With the national anthem in the background, participants raise their hands and recite the Pledge of Allegiance to Canada. Participants in the ceremony are then presented with a certificate of citizenship, which they can use in various situations to confirm their status. Usually the ceremony ends with congratulations and wishes to the participants from officials and other citizens. Participants may also have the opportunity to take an oath or oath with photographs or video to document this important moment. After the ceremony, participants are given time to celebrate and take photographs, as well as to share their impressions and congratulate other new citizens.

What determines the cost of services?

If your case has complex or specific circumstances that require additional time and effort on the part of the lawyer, this may affect the cost of services. The more work required from a lawyer, the higher the cost of services may be. This includes preparing documents, communicating with authorities, representing you before them.

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    Був у ДШВ. Отримав поранення. Все нормально, поставили на ноги, але не хочу бути тягарем для побратимів. Ротний сам запропонував звільнитись по сімейним. Тільки попросив правильно складений рапорт, бо їм наверх відчитатись треба. Зателефонував сюди. порадили юриста. Все за 2 дні зробив. можу радити іншим

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    Даніїл Діхтяренко

    Звернувся по рекламі в інтернеті. Взяв консультацію і мені знайшли хорошого військового адвоката, який допоміг мені перевестись до іншої частини. Гарно працювали з документами та пояснили що і як. Рекомендую, висловлюю велику подяку адвокатам!


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