Oral consultation to determine whether or not a service can be provided. If it is possible to provide a service, an agreement is signed with the lawyer to further familiarize himself with the documents necessary to determine the additional period for accepting the legacy. In case of impossibility to provide the service, the cost of the methap is credited to the consultation and is non-refundable.

Restoration of the date of adoption of inheritance

Oral consultation2 UAH 2,280.00
Preparing case files7 UAH 6,840.00
The lawyer describes the circumstances of the case, makes a legal and regulatory justification, analyzes the jurisprudence and writes the claim, and, if necessary, prepares legal requests to determine an additional period for accepting the legacy.
The result of this phase is the text of the statement of claim.
Receiving court decision90 UAH 7,980.00
The lawyer and the client verify that there are exemptions from the court fee. The lawyer, by agreement with the client, sends the generated receipt for payment of the court fee to the bank or sends the electronic form for payment of the court fee online. After payment, the client sends a receipt to the lawyer for payment. The lawyer sends the claim to the court, supervises the court process and represents the client’s interests in court during the consideration of the case on the determination of an additional period for acceptance of the legacy. After receiving the court decision, the client independently applies to the notary for the legalization of the legacy.
The result of this phase is the text of the judgement.
Restoring the deadline for accepting an inheritance
Acceptance of inheritance is the process by which the heir assumes the rights and obligations of the inheritance after the death of the testator. The heir must verify his status as an heir and the fact of inheritance. This may require the provision of documents or other evidence of relationship or an application to restore the period of acceptance of the inheritance. The heir can accept the inheritance explicitly or silently. Explicit acceptance can occur by writing a statement of acceptance of the inheritance or doing something indicating his intention to accept the inheritance. Silent acceptance of an inheritance occurs if the heir has performed actions that imply his intention to accept the inheritance, for example, begins to use the inherited property. Depending on the jurisdiction and complexity of the inheritance issue, the heir may be faced with the need to perform various procedures, such as obtaining a certificate of inheritance, paying taxes, transferring inherited property into his name.
The timing of accepting an inheritance in Ukraine is also regulated by law. According to Article 1232 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the heir is obliged to accept the inheritance within 6 months from the date of opening of the inheritance. If the heir does not accept the inheritance within the period established by law, his rights as an heir may be lost, and the inheritance may be transferred to other heirs or the state. However, the court decision reinstated the deadline for accepting the inheritance. To establish the exact procedure and possible exceptions in a particular situation, it is always recommended to contact a lawyer or notary who specializes in inheritance matters. A sample application for restoration of the period for accepting an inheritance must contain: full name, residential address, number, date, name of the court and its address. You must also indicate the city and postal code.
Write a request with a desire to extend the period for accepting the inheritance in accordance with the number and date of the notification of the inheritance or other relevant documents. The period for accepting an inheritance is established by law at, for example, 6 months from the date of death of the deceased. The circumstances affecting my ability to accept the inheritance within the prescribed period must be indicated. You must describe all valid reasons for missing the deadline for accepting the inheritance. Please indicate additional circumstances, if any. Ask the court to restore the deadline for accepting the inheritance, taking into account the specified circumstances. Be prepared to provide additional evidence and explanation if necessary.
Note: Before filing this application, it is recommended that you consult with a legal advisor or attorney to clarify the law and justify your reasons for reinstating the inheritance period. In Ukraine, the timing of accepting an inheritance under a will is established by law and depends on specific circumstances. Typically, heirs must accept the inheritance within six months of the death of the testator. However, if there are grounds for extending this period, for example, if the heir was in the hospital or was otherwise unable to accept the inheritance, then the court may restore this period. Also, if the inheritance is disputed or the heirs need time to resolve disputes, the court may extend the period for accepting the inheritance.
Legal stages:
Extension of the period for accepting an inheritance is legally considered if the heir is unable to accept the inheritance within the period established by law. The grounds for extending the period for accepting an inheritance may include various circumstances. Such circumstances may include illness or incapacity of the heir. If the heir is temporarily unable to accept the inheritance due to illness or other reasons, he may be granted an extension of time. Extension of the period for accepting an inheritance may also be due to difficulties with access to the inheritance. This may be due to litigation, administrative obstacles, or other reasons preventing access to the inheritance. Circumstances beyond the control of the heir may also be grounds for extending the period for accepting the inheritance. For example, natural disasters, wars or other emergencies may affect the heir's ability to accept the inheritance on time. Litigation or contestation of an inheritance may also lead to an extension of the period for accepting an inheritance. If the inheritance is disputed or is under legal proceedings, the period for accepting the inheritance may be extended until the dispute is resolved. In each specific case, it is necessary to provide the court with evidence and explanations why the deadline for accepting the inheritance was not met, and will request b extension of the deadline. The decision to extend the period for accepting an inheritance is made by the court based on the circumstances of the case and the law.
- Definition of opening an inheritance: An inheritance is considered open after the death of the testator. This is the first stage at which the heirs usually learn about their right to inheritance, the deadline for accepting the inheritance under the will.
- Collection and valuation of inherited property: Heirs must collect all necessary documentation and evaluate the property constituting the inheritance.
- Acceptance or refusal of inheritance: The heir must accept or refuse the inheritance within the period established by law (terms for accepting the inheritance). In this case, it is necessary to take into account not only the assets, but also the debts of the testator.
- Drawing up and submitting documents: Heirs must prepare the necessary documents to accept or reject the inheritance. This may include statements, certificates, property valuation documents and other documents.
- Registration of inheritance: In some cases, it is necessary to register the accepted inheritance with an authorized body, for example, this may be a notary or civil registry office. The actual acceptance of the inheritance by the statute of limitations occurs after completion of all legal formalities and receipt of the relevant documents.
- Division of inherited property (if there are several heirs): If the inheritance is divided between several heirs, it may be necessary to agree on the division of property.
- Dispute Settlement: If disputes arise between heirs or with other persons over the period of acceptance of the inheritance, it may be necessary to resolve disputes in court.
- Completion of the process: Once all necessary legal procedures have been completed, the inheritance is considered accepted or rejected and the case is completed.
Under what conditions can a service on the issue of deadlines for accepting an inheritance be provided?
Legal assistance services can be provided subject to the following conditions:
- License or authority to provide legal services: Some jurisdictions require that the person or organization providing legal assistance be specifically licensed or authorized to engage in the activity of establishing the acceptance of a missed estate. For example, in many countries, lawyers must be registered with the Bar and have a license to practice.
- Qualifications and experience: The provision of legal assistance must be carried out by qualified lawyers or advocates who have the appropriate education, training and experience in the field of law.
- Client's consent: Legal assistance can be provided only if the client agrees to restore the deadline for accepting the inheritance. This may be expressed as a contract or agreement between the lawyer and the client.
- Confidentiality: Lawyers are required to maintain the confidentiality of information received from a client in the process of providing legal assistance.
- Compliance with ethical standards: The provision of legal assistance must comply with ethical norms and standards of professional conduct for lawyers.
- Payment terms: Typically, a certain fee or fee is charged for the provision of legal assistance during the period of acceptance of the inheritance. Payment terms must be agreed upon between the attorney and client.
Under what conditions can the service not be provided?
The legal assistance service in the matter of restoration of deadlines for accepting an inheritance may face restrictions or impossibility of provision in the following cases:
- Lack of Competence: If a lawyer or advocate does not have sufficient competence or experience in the field of inheritance law, he may not be competent to provide legal assistance in this matter.
- Conflict of Interest: If a lawyer or lawyer has a conflict of interest with the client or other interested parties, for example, if he already represents the interests of the other party in accepting the inheritance term, this may present an obstacle to the provision of the service.
- Legal restrictions: Some jurisdictions have restrictions on the provision of legal assistance in certain areas or situations, including probate law. For example, lawyers may be limited in providing assistance in some aspects of inheritance disputes.
- Impossibility of benefit: If legal assistance cannot bring real benefit to the client or there is an obvious impossibility of successfully resolving the issue of the deadline for accepting the inheritance, the lawyer may refuse to provide the service.
- Other restrictions: Depending on the specific circumstances and rules of professional ethics, as well as the internal policies of the legal practice, there may be other restrictions on the provision of legal assistance services.
How to figure it out on your own?
If you want to figure out on your own the issue of actual acceptance of inheritance terms, you should follow these steps:
- Research relevant laws: Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations in your country or region regarding inheritance law and the timing of inheritance. This will allow you to understand the basic rules and procedures that govern the situation.
- Check the deadlines: Make sure you know the current deadline for accepting an inheritance in your jurisdiction. Check when and exactly what period of actual acceptance of the inheritance expires.
- Know your rights and responsibilities: Understanding your rights and responsibilities as an heir will help you determine what steps you should take. This includes your right to refuse, accept, or contest an inheritance.
- Conduct a situation analysis: Assess all the circumstances of your specific situation, such as the presence of other heirs, the composition of the inheritance, possible debts or obligations of the testator, and other factors that may influence your decision on the procedure and timing of accepting the inheritance.
- Consider the possible consequences: Weigh the pros and cons of various options, including accepting the inheritance on time, refusing the inheritance, or going to court to extend the deadline for accepting the inheritance.
- Get advice from a specialist: If you still have doubts or questions, it is best to contact a qualified lawyer or attorney specializing in the field of the timing of the actual acceptance of an inheritance. He will be able to provide you with the expert advice and decision-making assistance you need.
Frequently asked questions:
- What is the deadline for accepting an inheritance in Ukraine? In Ukraine, the period for accepting an inheritance is 6 months from the date of opening of the inheritance. This period is established by Article 1232 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. If the heir does not accept the inheritance within this period, his rights as an heir may be lost. However, the court may extend this period if the heir provides valid reasons for the delay. Extension of the period can only be granted by court order and in accordance with the law.
- What to do if the deadline for accepting an inheritance has been missed? If the deadline for accepting an inheritance is missed, the actions of the heir may depend on specific circumstances. If the reasons for missing the deadline for accepting the inheritance were valid (for example, illness, lack of information about the inheritance, etc.), the heir can petition the court to extend the deadline for accepting the inheritance. The court will consider the circumstances of the case and make a decision in accordance with the law. The heir can seek advice from a lawyer or lawyer specializing in inheritance law. A lawyer will help you assess the situation and recommend the best actions to solve the problem, write an application to extend the period for accepting the inheritance. The heir must evaluate the possible consequences of missing the deadline for accepting the inheritance. This may require some legal analysis and understanding of your rights and responsibilities as an heir. Based on the consultation received and assessment of the situation, the heir can decide on further actions.twiyah. This may include going to court, rejecting an inheritance, or taking other actions as advised by a lawyer.
- Can I extend the period for accepting an inheritance if I have reasons for doing so? Yes, in some cases the period for accepting an inheritance can be extended if you have reasonable grounds for this. In some jurisdictions, the law provides for the possibility of extending the period of acceptance of an inheritance in certain circumstances. For example, the law may provide for the restoration of the period for accepting an inheritance for those who were in the hospital or seriously ill at the time of inheritance. If you have justified reasons that prevent you from accepting the inheritance within the prescribed period, you can apply to the court with a request to extend the period. The court may consider your request and make a decision depending on the circumstances of the case. there may be various circumstances, such as lack of access to the inheritance due to the presence of other heirs, litigation in the inheritance case, or the inability to evaluate the assets of the inheritance due to their complexity or specificity. If other heirs agree to extend the period for accepting the inheritance or do not object to this, this can also contribute to the extension of the period.
- Methods and deadline for accepting an inheritance? In Ukraine, the period for accepting an inheritance is set at 6 months from the date of opening of the inheritance. This period is determined by Article 1232 of the Civil Code of Ukraine. If the heir does not accept the inheritance within this period, his rights as an heir may be lost. Accepting an inheritance explicitly: This method involves writing an application for acceptance of an inheritance, which is submitted to the civil registration office (ZAGS). With this statement, the heir notifies of his intention to accept the inheritance. Accepting an inheritance silently: This method implies the absence of a statement about accepting the inheritance and the implementation of actions that indicate the intention to accept the inheritance. An example of such actions could be the use of inherited property. Acceptance of an inheritance with limited legal consequences: If the heir doubts the composition of the inheritance or the amount of the testator's debts, he can accept the inheritance with limited legal consequences. This will allow the heir to accept the inheritance, but will limit his liability for the debts of the testator to the value of the accepted property.
- What good reasons can there be for missing the deadline for accepting an inheritance? In Ukraine, valid reasons for missing the deadline for accepting an inheritance may include various circumstances that are beyond the control of the heir and may be recognized by the court as justified. If the heir was physically incompetent or ill during the period of acceptance of the inheritance, which prevented him from taking the appropriate actions to accept the inheritance. In the event that the heir could not contact the representatives of the testator or did not have information about the inheritance within the prescribed period. Valid reasons for reinstating the deadline for accepting an inheritance also include circumstances such as lack of access to the inheritance due to legal or administrative restrictions may also be considered as valid reasons. If the inheritance becomes the subject of litigation or inheritance disputes, this may also lead to an excused missed deadline for accepting the inheritance.
- How can I find out that I am an heir? If you have reason to believe that you are an heir, but cannot obtain information from relatives or other sources, you can go to court to protect your rights. In this case, you will need to provide evidence of your relationship or other grounds for inheritance. If you have reason to believe that you have the right to inheritance, but are not sure what to do, contact a specialist in inheritance law. A notary or lawyer will be able to provide a consultation and help you understand your situation. If you know that you have relatives or friends who could leave you an inheritance, you can request copies of their will or other documents related to the inheritance; if the deadline has been missed, you need to contact a legal consultant to restore the deadline for acceptance inheritance.
- How can I find out the composition of the inheritance and its value? To find out the composition of the estate and its value, you may need to follow these steps: If you have access to the deceased's documents, such as a will, estate records, bank accounts, investments and other financial documents, you can get an idea of the composition of the estate. Legal specialists in inheritance law cancan help you understand the documents of the deceased and determine what is included in the inheritance; they also specialize in skipping the deadline for accepting an inheritance under a will. They can also help estimate the value of various assets. If you know that the deceased had bank accounts or investments, you can contact the relevant banks and financial institutions to obtain information about the accounts and assets. If you know that the deceased had bank accounts or investments, you can contact the relevant banks and financial institutions to obtain information about the accounts and assets. If the deceased owned property, you can inquire about the property from the local property registry to find out its value and other details. Some assets, such as real estate or securities, may require a professional appraisal of their value. Contact an appraiser for such an assessment.
- What are my options for appealing decisions or actions related to an inheritance? Your ability to appeal decisions or actions related to inheritance may depend on the specific circumstances of your case and Ukrainian law. If you believe the will was not drafted correctly or was influenced by fraud, duress or the incapacity of the testator, you can file a will challenge. You may need to provide evidence of your claims, also if you missed the deadline for accepting the inheritance. If you believe that the actions of other heirs have led to a violation of your rights or they do not comply with the terms of the will, you can file a complaint with the court against their actions. If you do not agree with the decision of the tax authorities regarding the assessment of the inheritance or taxation of the inheritance, you can appeal or appeal the decision to the relevant tax authorities or court. In any case, it is recommended to contact an experienced lawyer or notary specializing in inheritance law to get advice and assistance in appealing decisions or actions related to inheritance.
- What legal procedures are available to restore the period of acceptance of an inheritance if it has expired for legal reasons? To restore the deadline for accepting an inheritance missed on legal grounds, there are certain legal procedures. First, you need to prepare a corresponding application with a request to restore the deadline for accepting the inheritance. The application must be submitted to the competent court that hears inheritance disputes. The application must indicate all relevant facts and circumstances that led to the missed deadline. Reasons for reinstating the term may include illness, inaccessibility of inheritance due to litigation, or other objective obstacles. The application should also provide documentary evidence of these circumstances. Then the court will consider the application and make a decision on the possibility of restoring the period and what the deadline for accepting the inheritance will be in the future in your case. The court may also require additional evidence or hold a hearing on the matter. If the court recognizes the existence of legal grounds, it may decide to restore the period for accepting the inheritance. The court's decision on this matter will be final and binding on all parties concerned. The term for accepting an inheritance constitutes permission for the heir to accept the inheritance after the expiration of the period established by law. This process must be carried out in compliance with all procedures and requirements established by law. The time limit to apply for reinstatement may also be limited, so it is important to go to court as soon as possible after the problem arises. To ensure successful consideration of the application, it is recommended to contact an experienced lawyer or lawyer on the issue of how to restore the deadline for accepting an inheritance. The procedure for restoring the deadline for accepting an inheritance is an important part of inheritance law and can be the key to protecting the interests of the heirs. In any case, the decision to restore the term for accepting the inheritance will be made by the court on the basis of the evidence presented and the relevant provisions of the law.
What determines the cost of services?
The more complex and extensive the task, the higher the cost of services may be. For example, complex legal issues or lengthy litigation may require more time and effort and therefore increase the cost of services.

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