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    Письменный правовой анализ
    2 13 200,00 ₴
    • Проводится описание ситуации, которая беспокоит правовой анализ. 
    • Устанавливаются обстоятельства дела, наличие или отсутствие документов, относящихся к ситуации. 
    • Проводится полное устное общение для установления всех нужных обстоятельств дела. 
    • Устанавливается ожидание клиента по результатам предоставления услуги. 
    • Проводится анализ действующего законодательства, регулирующего проблему. 
    • Проводится анализ судебной практики по данной проблематике. 
    • Описывается личный опыт адвоката по решению таких или аналогичных проблем. 
    • Описывается вывод, в котором дается заключение о невозможности решения проблемы или путях решения проблемы. 
    • Каждый путь решения проблемы описывается отдельно и формируется в виде таблицы с указанием конкретных действий специалиста, срок выполнения услуги в целом и каждого этапа отдельно (если услуга состоит из этапов), результат предоставления услуги или этапа, а также цена услуги или этапа.
2 13 200,00 ₴


The term "treason" is used to refer to actions or decisions that are considered treason against one's own state. It is commonly used in political discussions to describe actions or decisions that are perceived to be harmful to public interests or threatening national security. However, it is important to understand that the treason of the CCU can be used by different parties depending on their political beliefs, so it is used with caution. Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Article 111 of the Criminal Code) deals with crimes against state security. The qualifying features of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine determine that actions must have the character of preparation aimed at violating the territorial integrity, state independence, constitutional order, defense capability, security, and sovereignty of Ukraine.

Qualifying features that can be taken into account when considering cases under Article 111 of the Criminal Code include:

  • Preparation for aggression against the territorial integrity or independence of Ukraine.
  • Participating in a conspiracy or group that aims to commit a coup d'état or seize state power.
  • Promoting external aggression against Ukraine or committing actions aimed at inciting inter-ethnic, inter-confessional, inter-national enmity.
  • Carrying out illegal actions with the use of special means that may lead to a violation of the country's security or defense capabilities.

These features help courts and law enforcement agencies determine whether a specific act or behavior can be classified as a crime under Article 111 of treason.

Article 111 high treason refers to crimes against the security of the state and is of great importance for ensuring the national security and sovereignty of the country. State treason of the Communist Party of Ukraine comment:

  • Object of the crime: The crime is committed against the security of the state, which is important for ensuring the vital interest of society and its stability.
  • Subject of the crime: Subjects can be both natural persons and legal entities, which by their actions or inaction violate the security of the state.
  • Objective side of the crime: Actions (or inaction) aimed at preparing or carrying out aggression against the territorial integrity, state independence, constitutional order, defense capability, security, sovereignty of Ukraine.
  • The subjective side of the crime: Presence of intent, characterized by the subject's awareness of the socially dangerous nature of his actions and their possible consequences.
  • Qualification of the crime: It is determined depending on the specific circumstances of the case, such as the scale of the actions, their consequences and other aggravating factors.
  • Punishment: This crime carries serious penalties, including imprisonment for 12 to 15 years or life imprisonment, with confiscation of property.

Treason of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is important for ensuring national security and protecting the interests of the state, and its commentary helps in understanding and applying its provisions in legal practice.

Legal stages:

If we talk about the legal stages of the work of the lawyer himself, the following steps can be distinguished:

  • Consultation of the client: The initial stage, during which the lawyer meets with the client, studies his problem, analyzes the legal situation and provides appropriate advice regarding the criminal code of treason.
  • Analysis of evidence and documents: The lawyer analyzes all available evidence, documents and information related to the case in order to understand the situation and develop a strategy for the protection or representation of the client's interests.
  • Preparation of legal documents: This stage includes the preparation of any necessary legal documents such as pleadings, testimonials, contracts, etc.
  • Representation and protection of the client's interests in court or before other bodies: A lawyer can represent the interests of his client in court, arbitration courts, state bodies or other legal processes.
  • Conducting negotiations and Mediation: In some cases, a lawyer can help resolve situations through negotiations or mediation, with the goal of achieving mutually beneficial conditions for all parties.
  • Preparation for the appeal or cassation process: If the court decision does not satisfy the client, the lawyer can prepare documents and arguments for further appeal or cassation of the decision.
  • Other services for solving legal issues: The lawyer can provide other services, such as notarization of documents, consultations on legal issues, preparation of legal expertise, etc.

Under what conditions can the service be provided?

The service of legal assistance in the treason trial can be provided under various conditions, but the main conditions are:

  • Availability to the customer: Legal assistance can be provided if the customer (client) turns to the lawyer with a request for help and is ready to cooperate.
  • Need for legal assistance: The service can be provided if the customer needs legal assistance in solving issues related to legal aspects.
  • Legal competence: Legal aid can be provided if the lawyer has the appropriate competence and knowledge in the required area of law.

Under what conditions the service cannot be provided?

The legal aid service cannot be provided in the following cases:

  • Conflict of interest: If the provision of the service would cause a conflict of interest, for example, if the lawyer is already providing legal assistance to another party in a dispute with a potential client.
  • Violation of the law: A lawyer may not provide services that are contrary to the law or professional ethics, or that may cause a violation of the client's rights.
  • Insufficient competence: If a lawyer does not have the necessary knowledge or experience in a specific case, he may refuse to provide a service.
  • Absence of an agreement on the provision of services: If the parties do not have an agreement on the provision of services or if the terms of the provision of services are not defined, the lawyer may refuse to provide the service.

How to figure it out on your own?

Dealing with legal issues on your own can be challenging, but it is entirely possible. Here are some tips that can help you with this:

  • Explore available sources of information: Use the Internet, libraries, and legal resources to find information about treason in Ukraine. However, be careful with unofficial sources and check the authenticity of the information.
  • Read the law: If possible, read the relevant laws, codes or regulations that apply to your situation. The laws can be a little complicated to understand, but pay attention to the key terms and provisions.
  • Use practical resources: There are some resources that can provide practical help, such as legal blogs or forums where people discuss legal issues.
  • Consult a professional: If the matter is complex or important, consider contacting a qualified lawyer or legal advisor. They will be able to provide you with accurate and personalized help.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What is treason? treason is a decision that harms the sovereignty, territorial integrity, security, independence or interests of the state. It can be the release of secret information or activities for the benefit of a foreign state or enemies of one's own country.
  • What are some examples of actions that can be classified as treason? Disclosure of state secrets. Cooperation with other countries or terrorist organizations against one's own state. Carrying out actions aimed at defeating state institutions or violating constitutional norms. Resale of secret technology or military equipment to other countries. Committing aggression against one's state or seizing state power.
  • How to distinguish treason from other crimes or violations ? Treason differs from other crimes in that it violates state interests, territorial integrity and security of the country. The difference is that these actions are aimed at harming the state itself or for the benefit of other countries or forces that oppose state interests.
  • What can be the consequences of treason for a person? The consequences of treason for a person may be criminal liability, such as imprisonment or other types of punishments provided by law. In addition, there may be other consequences, such as loss of citizenship, confiscation of property, informational or public discredit.
  • How to detect treason and file a complaint? High treason can be detected through investigations by law enforcement agencies or state security services. A person who has information about possible cases of treason can file a complaint with the relevant authorities or law enforcement agencies for further consideration and investigation.

What does the cost of services depend on?

The cost of services depends on the scope of work and experience of the lawyer in entering such cases.

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Безопасная сделка

Вы как Заказчик избавляетесь от всех финансовых рисков при сотрудничестве с Исполнителями, так как сумма оплаты резервируется нашим сервисом и выплачивается Исполнителю только после получения от Вас подтверждения о завершении этапа.

В случае непредоставления услуги средства возвращаются Вам. Сервис берет на себя все финансовые риски и выступает гарантом и хранителем средств, а в случае возникновения разногласий между сторонами - независимым Арбитром.

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  • ВР
    Володя Ралець

    Всім хто має проблеми з кредиторами , раджу звертатись за допомогою саме до цих консультантів . Тут в отримаєте і підтримку і дуже якісні поради . Стосовно вирішення проблем по кредитах

  • ММ
    Макс Миловский

    Ніколи не думав, що вирішення юридичних питань може бути таким легким! За допомогою цієї програми я швидко знайшов компетентного юриста, який допоміг мені впоратися з моєю проблемою. Дуже зручно та ефективно

  • ЯЛ
    Янош Лоренц

    Корисний додаток та хороша компанія в якій спеціалісти допоможуть та надададуть професійні відповіді на всі ваші запитання.

  • НІ
    Наталія Іващенко

    Сподобалось відношення і професійний підхід до справи,все на вищому рівні,дякую

  • RB

    Чудовий додаток. Дуже допомогли)

  • АД
    Анна Д.

    Досить зрозумілий додаток, зручний у користуванні

  • БА

    Допомогли вирішити питання з працівниками ТЦК, дякую

  • AR

    Дуже простий в використанні додаток. Професіональні адвокати, та приємні консультанти. Рекомендую

  • AN

    Відмінний додаток! З ним я знайшов юриста за лічені хвилини. Зручний інтерфейс та багато функцій роблять його найкращим вибором для пошуку кваліфікованої юридичної допомоги.

  • AL

    Завдяки цьому додатку я швидко знайшов досвідченого юриста, який допоміг мені розібратися у моїй правовій ситуації. Простий у використанні та результативний

  • SI

    Через додаток вирішив своє питання! Дякую

  • LY

    Дуже дякую за допомогу, рада що звернулась. Однозначно рекомендую, в наш час знайти достовірну інформацію дуже важко, але виявляється можливо))

  • ГЕ

    Доволі все добре працює. Почав користуватися недавно але вже задоволений. Консультантами задоволений. Дякую. Буду звертатись й надалі.

  • ДЛ
    Добрі люди

    Був у ДШВ. Отримав поранення. Все нормально, поставили на ноги, але не хочу бути тягарем для побратимів. Ротний сам запропонував звільнитись по сімейним. Тільки попросив правильно складений рапорт, бо їм наверх відчитатись треба. Зателефонував сюди. порадили юриста. Все за 2 дні зробив. можу радити іншим

  • ДД
    Даніїл Діхтяренко

    Звернувся по рекламі в інтернеті. Взяв консультацію і мені знайшли хорошого військового адвоката, який допоміг мені перевестись до іншої частини. Гарно працювали з документами та пояснили що і як. Рекомендую, висловлюю велику подяку адвокатам!


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ТОП 10

PRO консультантов

Все консультанты
  • PREMIUM 68.27 Топ 1

    Грицай Николай

    Юрист Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 35.55 Топ 2

    Молчанов Олег Викторович

    Адвокат Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 34.53 Топ 3

    Бараненко Леонид Александрович

    Адвокат Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 34.35 Топ 4

    Приходько Андрій Анатолійович

    Адвокат Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 16 Топ 5

    Мирошниченко Тарас Васильевич

    Юрист Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 0 Топ 6

    Галь Андрей Михайлович

    Юрист Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 0 Топ 7

    Ан Iryna Николаевна

    Юрист Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 0 Топ 8

    Петрик Татьяна Александровна

    Юрист Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 0 Топ 9

    Мазур Єлизавета

    Юрист Украина / Киев
  • PREMIUM 0 Топ 10

    Колганов Иван Владимирович

    Юрист Украина / Киев

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