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Z·hidno z polozhennyam Simeynoho kodeksu Ukrayiny maty y batʹko mayutʹ rivni prava ta obov`yazky shchodo dytyny, nezalezhno vid toho, chy perebuvaly vony u shlyubi mizh soboyu. Rozirvannya shlyubu mizh batʹkamy, prozhyvannya yikh okremo vid dytyny ne vplyvaye na obsyah yikhnikh prav i ne zvilʹnyaye vid obovʺyazkiv shchodo dytyny. U vidpovidnosti do statti 180 Simeynoho kodeksu Ukrayiny Batʹky zobov'yazani utrymuvaty dytynu do dosyahnennya neyu povnolittya. Alimenty mozhutʹ splauchavatysʹ yak v dobrovilʹnomu poryadku tak za rishennyam sudu. Dlya dobrovilʹnoyi splaty alimentiv batʹkam varto uklasty ta zaviryty u notariusa pysʹmovyy dohovir mizh batʹkamy pro splatu alimentiv na dytynu na dytynu, u yakomu uz·hodyty formu, v yakiy splachuyutʹsya alimenty, periodychnistʹ ta sposib. Dohovir pro splatu alimentiv mozhe buty ukladenyy yak pid chas shlyubu, tak i pislya yoho rozirvannya. U razi nevykonannya odnym iz batʹkiv svoho obovʺyazku za dohovorom alimenty mozhlyvo bude styahnuty i u prymusovomu poryadku na pidstavi vykonavchoho napysu notariusu. U vypadkakh, koly druhyy z batʹkiv, z yakym dytyna ne prozhyvaye, vidmovlyayetʹsya dobrovilʹno splachuvaty alimenty to neobkhidno zvertatysʹ do sudu z zayavoyu pro styahnennya alimentiv. Tak na sʹohodni isnuye dva vyd zayav z yakym mozhlyvo zvernutysʹ do sudu, a same: – zayavoyu na vydachu sudovoho nakazu pro styahnennya alimentiv na utrymannya dytyny v rozmiri na odnu dytynu — 1/4, na dvokh — 1/3, na trʹokh i bilʹshe ditey — 1/2 zarobitku (dokhodu) platnyka alimentiv, ale ne bilʹshe desyaty vidpovidnykh prozhytkovykh minimumiv na kozhnu dytynu, abo u tverdiy hroshoviy sumi — 50% prozhytkovoho minimumu dlya dytyny vidpovidnoho viku. – pozovnoyu zayavoyu pro styahnennya alimentiv na utrymannya dytyny, v rozmiri alimentiv yak chastky vid zarobitku (dokhodu) platnyka alimentiv abo u tverdiy hroshoviy sumi, shcho perevyshchuye 50% prozhytkovoho minimumu dlya dytyny vidpovidnoho viku. Zayava pro vydachu sudovoho nakazu pro styahnennya alimentiv, ye nayshvydshym ta nayprostishym sposobom otrymaty rishennya pro styahnennya alimentiv, ale pry tsʹomu take rishennya obmezhuyetʹsya ne lyshe minimalʹnym rozmirom alimentiv, ale ye y maksymalʹnyy rozmir ta u tverdiy hroshoviy sumi ye chitko vyznachenoyu, a same: • u tverdiy hroshoviy sumi minimalʹnyy rozmir alimentiv na odnu dytynu ne mozhe buty menshym 50 % prozhytkovoho minimumu na dytynu vidpovidnoho viku (p.5 ch. 1 st.161 TSPK Ukrayiny); • chastka vid zarobitku (dokhodu) platnyka alimentiv, a same: 1/4 — na odnu dytynu, 1/3 — na dvokh ditey, 1/2 — na trʹokh i bilʹshe ditey (p.4 ch. 1 st.161 TSPK Ukrayiny). Maksymalʹnyy rozmiru alimentiv, yaki mozhutʹ buty styahnuti na pidstavi sudovoho nakazu, vstanovleno 10 prozhytkovykh minimumiv na dytynu vidpovidnoho viku, stanom na 01.01.2024 stanovytʹ dlya ditey vikom do 6 rokiv – 25630 hrn, a dlya ditey vikom vid 6 do 18 rokiv – 31960 hrn. (p. 4, ch. 1. st. 161 TSPK Ukrayiny). Takozh pry takomu sposobi otrymannya rishennya, u styahuvacha vidsutnya mozhlyvistʹ styahuvaty zaborhovanistʹ za mynuli periody. Styahnennya alimentiv pochynayetʹsya z dnya podachi zayavy pro vydachu sudovoho nakazu do sudu. Roz·hlyad sudom zayavy pro vydachu sudovoho nakazu pro styahnennya alimentiv provodytʹsya bez sudovoho zasidannya i povidomlennya zayavnyka i borzhnyka. (ch. 1 st. 167 TSPK Ukrayiny). Sud, pereviryvshy podani styahuvachem dokumenty, vynosytʹ sudovyy nakaz protyahom pʺyaty dniv ta pislya nabrannya nym chynnosti, sudovyy nakaz pidlyahaye vykonannyu, pry tsʹomu dlya styahnennya alimentam v mezhakh sum za odyn misyatsʹ takyy dokument pidlyahaye nehaynomu vykonannyu. Pozovna zayava pro styahnennya alimentiv na utrymannya dytyny podayetʹsya u tykh vypadkakh, koly styahuvach bazhaye styahnuty alimenty v inshomu rozmiri (yak pravylo, u fiksovaniy sumi) abo styahuvav khoche styahnuty alimenty za mynulyy, ale tse ne mozhe buty bilʹsh yak za desyatʹ rokiv ta u razi koly yakshcho pozyvach podastʹ sudu dokazy toho, shcho vin vzhyvav zakhodiv shchodo oderzhannya alimentiv z vidpovidacha, ale ne mih yikh oderzhaty u zv'yazku z ukhylennyam ostannʹoho vid yikh splaty. U tsʹomu razi pozovna zayava roz·hlyadayetʹsya za zahalʹnymy pravylamy tsyvilʹnoho sudochynstva. Takozh take rishennya maksymalʹnym rozmirom alimentiv ne obmezhuyetʹsya. Styahnennya alimentiv na povnolitnyu dytynu yaka prodovzhuye navchannya maye takyy zhe poryadok podannya do sudu, yak i dlya styahnennya alimentiv na dytynu do 18 rokiv. Yak pravylo u takom vypadku zvertayutʹsya do sudu iz zayavoyu pro vydachu sudovoho nakazu ta vstnovlyuyetʹsya 1/6 chastyna vid dokhodiv platnyka alimentiv. Z pytanʹ pidhotovky ta podachi zayav do sudu dotsilʹno zvernutysʹ do yurysta abo advokata, za dopomohoyu u skladanni vidpovidnykh zayav tʹa suprovodytʹ v otrymanni pozytyvnoho rishennya.
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According to the provisions of the Family Code of Ukraine, the mother and father have equal rights and responsibilities towards the child, regardless of whether they were married to each other. Divorce between parents, their living separately from the child does not affect the scope of their rights and does not release them from their obligations towards the child. In accordance with Article 180 of the Family Code of Ukraine, parents are obliged to support the child until he reaches the age of majority. Alimony can be paid either voluntarily or by court order. For the voluntary payment of alimony, parents should conclude and notarize a written agreement between the parents on the payment of alimony per child per child, in which to agree on the form in which alimony is paid, frequency and method. The agreement on the payment of alimony can be concluded both during the marriage and after its dissolution. In the event that one of the parents fails to fulfill his obligation under the contract, alimony may be collected in a compulsory manner on the basis of a notary's writ of execution. In cases where the second parent, with whom the child does not live, refuses to voluntarily pay alimony, it is necessary to apply to the court for the collection of alimony. So, today there are two types of applications with which it is possible to apply to the court, namely: - by an application for the issuance of a court order on the collection of alimony for child support in the amount of one child — 1/4, for two — 1/3, for three or more children — 1/2 of the earnings (income) of the payer of alimony, but no more than ten corresponding subsistence minimum for each child, or in a fixed monetary amount — 50% of the subsistence minimum for a child of the appropriate age. - a claim for the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of a child, in the amount of alimony as a share of the earnings (income) of the payer of alimony or in a fixed monetary amount exceeding 50% of the subsistence minimum for a child of the appropriate age. An application for the issuance of a court order for the collection of alimony is the fastest and easiest way to obtain a decision on the collection of alimony, but at the same time such a decision is limited not only to the minimum amount of alimony, but there is also a maximum amount and in a fixed monetary amount is clearly defined, namely: • in a fixed monetary amount, the minimum amount of alimony per child cannot be less than 50% of the subsistence minimum for a child of the appropriate age (clause 5, part 1, article 161 of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine); • a share of the earnings (income) of the payer of alimony, namely: 1/4 — for one child, 1/3 — for two children, 1/2 — for three or more children (clause 4, part 1, article 161 of the Code of Civil Procedure of Ukraine ). The maximum amount of alimony that can be collected on the basis of a court order is set at 10 subsistence minimums per child of the appropriate age, as of 01.01.2024 it is UAH 25,630 for children under the age of 6, and UAH 31,960 for children aged 6 to 18 . (clause 4, part 1, article 161 of the Civil Code of Ukraine). Also, with this method of obtaining a decision, the debt collector does not have the opportunity to collect debts for past periods. The collection of alimony begins from the day of filing an application for the issuance of a court order to the court. Court consideration of an application for the issuance of a court order for the collection of alimony is conducted without a court hearing and notification of the applicant and the debtor. (Part 1 of Article 167 of the Civil Code of Ukraine). The court, after checking the documents submitted by the debt collector, issues a court order within five days, and after it enters into force, the court order is subject to execution, while for the collection of alimony within the limits of one month, such a document is subject to immediate execution. A claim for the collection of alimony for child maintenance is filed in cases where the collector wishes to collect alimony in a different amount (usually in a fixed amount) or the collector wants to collect alimony for the past, but it cannot be more than ten years ago and in case when the plaintiff submits to the court evidence that he took measures to receive alimony from the defendant, but could not receive it due to the latter's evasion of their payment. In this case, the claim is considered according to the general rules of civil proceedings. Also, such a decision is not limited to the maximum amount of alimony. The collection of alimony for an adult child who continues his education has the same procedure for filing in court as for the collection of alimony for a child under 18 years of age. As a rule, in such a case, they apply to the court for the issuance of a court order and 1/6 of the income of the alimony payer is established. Regarding the preparation and submission of applications to the court, it is advisable to contact a lawyer or a lawyer, who will assist in preparing the relevant applications and will assist in obtaining a positive decision.