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Martial law unemployment benefits in 2024
At the time of martial law, the state regulated the purpose and amount of unemployment benefits to Ukrainians. In addition, on April 21, 2022, the Council adopted the Law of Ukraine dated April 21, 2022 No. 2220-IX "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Functioning of Employment and General Mandatory State Social Insurance in Case of Unemployment During Martial Law". It simplifies obtaining unemployment status and social benefits for IDPs, as well as persons staying in temporarily occupied territories.
How to apply for unemployment benefits in 2024
For this, you need to contact the nearest employment center.
An application for the appointment of unemployed status can be submitted to a city, district, city-district employment center or a branch of a regional employment center:
• personally, during a direct visit;
• in electronic form using the Diya portal or application;
• in telephone mode.
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This method of obtaining assistance is valid only during martial law. Within 30 days after its completion, the unemployed person must submit the original documents to the employment center:
• work book;
• a document on education or its duplicate;
• military registration document for persons who have been discharged from military service.In the absence of documents confirming the fact of release, the IDP is submitted:
• a statement on the termination of employment relations, a document confirming the fact of termination of employment or a corresponding court decision in case of termination of employment relations by court order;
• if possible, a settlement document (receipt) confirming the sending of the specified application to the employer by registered letter with a description of the attachment.
The status of unemployed is granted from the first day of registration at the employment center based on a person's personal application. Accordingly, assistance will begin to be provided from the first day of receiving unemployment status.
Who can receive unemployment benefits
Law of Ukraine dated September 29, 2022 No. 2622-IX "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Reform of the Employment Service, Social Insurance in Case of Unemployment, Promotion of Productive Employment of the Population, Including Youth, and Implementation of new active programs in the labor market" changes many norms that relate to the conditions and duration of these benefits.
In 2024, it will be possible to receive unemployment benefits only if the insurance period during the 12 months preceding the registration of the person as unemployed is at least 7 months.
In addition, the term of assistance for the majority of the unemployed will be determined depending on the insurance experience:
• up to 3 years – 180 calendar days;
• from 3 to 6 years – 210 calendar days;
• from 6 to 12 years – 240 calendar days;
• from 12 to 18 years old – 270 calendar days;
• from 18 to 24 years old – 300 calendar days;
• from 24 to 30 years old – 330 calendar days;
• over 30 years – 360 calendar days.
What is the amount of unemployment benefits in 2024
From January 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Ukraine increased to UAH 7,100. Accordingly, all statutory payments, the size of which depends on the minimum wage, have increased.
Now the maximum amount of unemployment benefits is UAH 7,100, since during martial law it cannot exceed the amount of the minimum wage.
The minimum amount of unemployment benefits in 2024 is UAH 1,500, in accordance with the Resolution of the Fund of the Mandatory State Social Insurance of Ukraine in case of unemployment dated September 14, 2023 No. 60 "On the Minimum Amount of Unemployment Benefits" (registered at the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 2, 2023 year under No. 1724/40780).
The total duration of unemployment benefit payment is 360 calendar days, for people of pre-retirement age - 720 calendar days.• Unemployment benefit will be paid depending on the duration of unemployment as a percentage up to a certain amount:
• the first half of the term – 100%;
• in the future – 50%.
In addition, the amount of unemployment benefits will be determined as a percentage of the average salary (income) depending on the length of insurance, but not less than the minimum amount of unemployment benefits established by the Board of the Fund for this category of persons:
• up to 3 years – 50%;
• from 3 to 6 years – 55%;
• from 6 to 12 years – 60%;
• from 12 to 18 years old – 65%;
• from 18 to 24 years old – 70%;
• from 24 to 30 years old – 75%;
• over 30 years – 80%.
During the period of martial law, for the unemployed who are in the temporarily occupied territory, the payment can be made without a personal visit to the person.
Unemployment benefit 2024: what to do if no payments come
Back in 2023, the state established additional conditions for receiving unemployment benefits. Lawyer and attorney Rostyslav Kravets considers them illegal, because a person paid insurance premiums according to the same rules, and when it came time to receive funds from insurance premiums, the rules changed for some reason.
In the summer of 2023, new conditions and procedures for granting unemployment benefits during martial law were established. They related to IDPs, finding people directly on the register, having accounts or traveling abroad.
For example, if a person went abroad, he loses the right to unemployment benefits."I think it's wrong because a person is still entitled to these benefits that were provided by law at the time they paid the contributions. If the payments do not come, it is necessary to go to state bodies, structures, and appeal this decision," says Mr. Kravets.