
Medical examination of conscripts (pre-conscripts)

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Medical examination of conscripts (pre-conscripts).


Conscripts undergo medical examinations either at the conscription stations of district (city) TCCs and SPs, or at local health care facilities to which doctors of the VLK TCCs and SPs are assigned. In the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional regions, the Kyiv City TCC, assembly points of joint ventures, medical examinations are carried out by doctors of the medical part of the temporary staff. These doctors are recruited from communal or state-owned health care facilities.
Medical examination of potential conscripts is carried out by a team of medical workers, which includes a surgeon, a general practitioner, a neurologist, a psychiatrist, an ophthalmologist, an otolaryngologist, a dentist, and a dermatovenerologist. In addition, if necessary, doctors of other specialties, selected from state health care institutions, may be involved in the examination process. The composition of the medical staff is determined by the order of the head of the district state administration or the city mayor.
Before sending citizens to conscription stations, district (city) TCCs and SPs require certain documents from various sources. These include health care institutions, in particular primary care physicians, who are asked to provide extracts from the medical records of both outpatients and inpatients. These statements must be in the form No. 027/o, which was approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on February 14, 2012 by order No. 110. In addition, mandatory medical examination data characterizing the health status of conscripts. , unless this information is already available in the electronic health system known as ESOZ.
Providers of primary medical care, as specified in Appendix 3 of the Regulation on the conscription of citizens of Ukraine for term military service and the acceptance of conscripts for military service under the contract, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 21 No. 352. , 2002, are required to declare the medical characteristics of military service related (if the information is already available in the electronic health care system, the so-called EHR).
The responsibility for maintaining information on persons with disabilities rests with the units of social protection of the population of district state administrations (local self-government bodies). In addition, special schools, sanatorium schools, social rehabilitation schools, educational rehabilitation centers are engaged in obtaining medical and pedagogical characteristics. Finally, health care departments of district state administrations (bodies of local self-government) provide lists of health care facilities where citizens of pre-conscription and conscription age can undergo medical examination and treatment. Records are also kept of persons who have recently contracted viral hepatitis, typhoid, paratyphoid, dysentery and other infectious diseases.

Assessment of physical condition and fitness for military service is carried out in accordance with the recommendations outlined in column I of the Schedule of Diseases and the corresponding columns in the tables of additional health requirements (hereinafter - TDV). During the examination of potential conscripts (or conscripts), medical workers assess the general state of health and determine the level of suitability for military service.
At the same time, such factors as a specific disease or physical disability, the degree of its progression, any functional impairments, a person's education and specialization, his current working capacity and health requirements for performing duties in various branches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are taken into account. everything is carefully considered. This assessment also applies to troops, forces and other military units.
As part of the medical examination, the prospective conscript has the opportunity to provide any additional medical documents related to his health. Physicians must consider the information contained in these additional medical records when deciding whether an individual is medically fit for military service. In addition, this information must be recorded in an electronic health system, commonly referred to as an EHS.
After passing the medical examination, each doctor enters information about the conscript in the registration card and other relevant documents provided for in the Regulation on the procedure for preparing and passing the draft of Ukrainian citizens for term military service, as well as the reception of conscripts. for military service under a contract. This provision was approved by Resolution No. 352 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 21, 2002.
The data of the established diagnosis are recorded together with the date of the medical examination. Based on a person's state of health, a conclusion is given on his suitability for military service, taking into account assignment to specific types and troops (forces) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. They are additionally sealed with a personal seal and signature. In addition, medical workers enter the relevant medical documentation into the relevant registry of the EHC.

When conscripts are found to have diseases or conditions that are temporarily unfit for military service, they are examined by a doctor in accordance with the TDV. The evaluation, signed by the doctor, indicates the date of the examination, determination of fitness for military service, restrictions on specific branches or units of the armed forces, as well as the doctor's status as a member of the draft board.
Conscripts who are recognized by the recruitment commission as unfit for military service are sent for a medical examination under the guidance of the VLK of the TCC.


Based on the results of the medical examination, the Central Committee and SP make a decision, choosing one of the following resolutions:

▶ suitable for military service;

▶ temporarily unfit for military service, in need of treatment and estimated duration of treatment);

▶ requires referral for additional medical examination and repeated medical examination;

▶ unfit for military service in peacetime, limited fit in wartime;

▶ ineligible for military service with exclusion from military registration.

Along with the resolution, a certificate from the VLK is provided. A doctor who is a member of the draft board makes a record of the decision of the VLC in the draftee's record card (also known as the draftee's medical examination card at the assembly point). In addition, the VLK certificate with a decision on the unfitness (or temporary unfitness) of a conscript for military service is kept in the personal file of the conscript.

When enrolling in army teams, conscripts are issued a certificate from the district (city) TCC and SP, which, together with the necessary accounting documents, is transferred to the military unit. The enlistee's medical records, including the results of any additional tests, such as X-ray, fluoroscopy, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, EKG and other relevant tests, must be submitted in paper form within 10 days after the end of the draft. At the request of the conscript, these documents must be immediately returned to the original source. The results of the examination of the conscript's medical documents and any additional studies that are of decisive importance for establishing a diagnosis are formalized by doctors' opinions and the conscript's medical examination card, which are entered into the conscript's personal file. Information on the conscript's last preventive vaccinations against tetanus, diphtheria, measles, rubella, epidemic mumps, as well as blood group and rhesus are recorded in the military card in accordance with clause 2.18 of chapter 2 of section II of the Regulations.
Military servicemen, recognized during a medical examination as temporarily unfit for military service, are granted a deferment from conscription for a period of up to 1 year. This deferment is granted based on the state of health. After the specified period, these conscripts must undergo a second medical examination. District (city) TCCs and SPs are responsible for ensuring that conscripts who have been deferred from the draft due to health conditions meet the requirements for timely re-examination. This obligation is set forth in Clause 2.11 of Chapter 2 of Section II of the Regulation.
In the event of the introduction of martial law, conscripts may be deferred from military service for no more than 2 months due to their health. If medically necessary, this postponement can be extended for another 2 months, and then a third time for the same period. After the expiration of the deferral period, conscripts undergo a medical examination to determine fitness for military service, as specified in the fifth paragraph of clause 2.12 of chapter 2 of section II of the Regulation.
If the VLK (military medical commission) determines that the conscript needs an additional medical examination, the conscription commission (registration commission) refers him to a communal or state-owned health care facility. Along with this, the conscript will be issued a referral in the form given in Appendix 9 of the Regulation on the preparation and conduct of the draft of citizens of Ukraine for term military service and the acceptance of conscripts for military service under a contract. approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 21, 2002 No. 352.
After the examination is completed, an Act of examination is prepared, which is signed by the director of the health care institution, regardless of whether it is private or public. This report is then forwarded to the draft commission (the same accounting commission) for review and consideration by the TCC and SP.
During the draft process, the TCC and SP conduct a comprehensive assessment of potential draftees to identify any acute illnesses, injuries or conditions that may prevent them from being deployed. This examination includes examination, specialist consultations and possible hospitalization in a communal or state health care facility. After these assessments, decisions are made on whether to continue sending people to the assembly point or to remove them from the dispatching team.


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  • ВР
    Володя Ралець

    Всім хто має проблеми з кредиторами , раджу звертатись за допомогою саме до цих консультантів . Тут в отримаєте і підтримку і дуже якісні поради . Стосовно вирішення проблем по кредитах

  • ММ
    Макс Миловский

    Ніколи не думав, що вирішення юридичних питань може бути таким легким! За допомогою цієї програми я швидко знайшов компетентного юриста, який допоміг мені впоратися з моєю проблемою. Дуже зручно та ефективно

  • ЯЛ
    Янош Лоренц

    Корисний додаток та хороша компанія в якій спеціалісти допоможуть та надададуть професійні відповіді на всі ваші запитання.

  • НІ
    Наталія Іващенко

    Сподобалось відношення і професійний підхід до справи,все на вищому рівні,дякую

  • RB

    Чудовий додаток. Дуже допомогли)

  • АД
    Анна Д.

    Досить зрозумілий додаток, зручний у користуванні

  • БА

    Допомогли вирішити питання з працівниками ТЦК, дякую

  • AR

    Дуже простий в використанні додаток. Професіональні адвокати, та приємні консультанти. Рекомендую

  • AN

    Відмінний додаток! З ним я знайшов юриста за лічені хвилини. Зручний інтерфейс та багато функцій роблять його найкращим вибором для пошуку кваліфікованої юридичної допомоги.

  • AL

    Завдяки цьому додатку я швидко знайшов досвідченого юриста, який допоміг мені розібратися у моїй правовій ситуації. Простий у використанні та результативний

  • SI

    Через додаток вирішив своє питання! Дякую

  • LY

    Дуже дякую за допомогу, рада що звернулась. Однозначно рекомендую, в наш час знайти достовірну інформацію дуже важко, але виявляється можливо))

  • ГЕ

    Доволі все добре працює. Почав користуватися недавно але вже задоволений. Консультантами задоволений. Дякую. Буду звертатись й надалі.

  • ДЛ
    Добрі люди

    Був у ДШВ. Отримав поранення. Все нормально, поставили на ноги, але не хочу бути тягарем для побратимів. Ротний сам запропонував звільнитись по сімейним. Тільки попросив правильно складений рапорт, бо їм наверх відчитатись треба. Зателефонував сюди. порадили юриста. Все за 2 дні зробив. можу радити іншим

  • ДД
    Даніїл Діхтяренко

    Звернувся по рекламі в інтернеті. Взяв консультацію і мені знайшли хорошого військового адвоката, який допоміг мені перевестись до іншої частини. Гарно працювали з документами та пояснили що і як. Рекомендую, висловлюю велику подяку адвокатам!

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