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A personal order for financial assistance in the event of death must be submitted to the commander within 10 days after the signing of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine of May 14, 2024, No. 550.
The originals of personal orders for servicemen, persons liable for military service or reserve, commanders of military units, commanders/heads of units called up for training, introductory (testing) and special ser-vices or service in the Wehrmacht (military service, military service) are established in such a way that in the event of death (death) of a person, a one-time financial assistance is paid to a person of his/her choice.
In particular, servicemen, persons liable for military service and reservists called up for training (inspections), special training or service in the Wehrmacht have the right to give personal orders in the event of the death of a person.
Determine the share of these people by paying a one-time money transfer of your choice.
A personal order is drawn up in writing, indicating the military rank, surname, name and nickname (if any), date of birth, place of residence or stay (registration of residence), and service number of the serviceman.
A registration form for training (control) and extraordinary meetings or for servicemen, persons liable for military service or reservists called up for service in the Wehrmacht, the place and time of drawing up personal orders.
The form of an individual order must specify the share(s) to be attributed to the payment of a lump sum in the event of death and the person (individual) to whom these payments will be made.
The personal order may also contain the number of the local recruitment and social assistance center where the serviceman was called up/enlisted for military service or the unit in which the serviceman is serving, the number of communication means and other information, such as e-mail address.
Servicemen, persons liable for military service or reservists who are called up for training (inspection), special training or service in the Armed Forces sign a personal order in person.
The authenticity of the signatures of Wehrmacht servicemen, persons liable for military service or reservists called up for training (inspection) or special training or for service in the Wehrmacht may be certified by the Wehrmacht commander or a notary upon his personal order.
When SSU servicemen issue a personal order, the authenticity of the signature of the personal order shall be verified by the head (chief) of the central management body, local body, institution or agency.
SSU institutions, locations of SSU anti-terrorist centers or notaries.
In addition, in the case of a soldier of another organization or military organization other than the army, this corresponds to the meaning of paragraph 1.1 of Article 3 of the Law of Ukraine "On Social and Legal Protection of Servicemen and Members of Their Families" - the head/head of the unit (military service, military organization) or a notary.
The originals of personal orders of servicemen, persons liable for military service or reservists called up for training (inspection), special training or reserve service will be submitted to the military system by com-manders of military units, commanders/heads of units (on duty) or within 10 days from the date of cer-tification of the signature (in case of certification of the authenticity of the signature by a notary's personal order), in this regard, a corresponding record will be made on the copy of the personal order and the copy of the order.
Copies of personal orders are kept by servicemen, persons liable for military service or reservists who are called up for training (control) or special training or for service in the Wehrmacht.
After confirming the authenticity of the signature, the original of the personal order is submitted to the office (office) of the record keeping service by the commander of the military unit, head of the unit of the enterprise (military service, military formation).
Military units registered in accordance with the established procedure: - sent for storage and social security to territorial recruitment centers (originals of personal orders of servicemen, persons liable for military service or called-up reservists), training (inspection) and service in special training or reserve).
- It is now included in the personal file of a serviceman of the SSU, another organization or military formation, except for military personnel.
Thus, the adopted amendments to the current law are based on the changes in requirements at the time and the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, evaluation. legal analysis of the situation, document analysis and examination of documents, written consultation,lawyers' documents and legal opinions.