
Obtain a permanent residence permit

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Publication date: 25.07.2022
Reading time: 14 minutes
Number of views: 146
Stage Term (days) Cost
  • 1
    Signing of the agreement
    1 UAH 2,280.00
    Клиент и юрист подписывают договор и согласовывают план дальнейших действий. Юрист устно консультирует клиента по поводу перспективы получения вида на постоянное проживание
    В результате данного этапа клиент получает текст договора.
  • 2
    Application for an immigration permit
    3 UAH 4,560.00

    The lawyer forms a package of documents required for submission to the Migration Service at the place of registration. All administrative fees, costs of processing documents (translation) by the client are paid separately.

    Also, in turn, the customer is obliged to independently provide a specific list of documents: a notarized translation of the passport, a certificate of address of residence in the state of citizenship with appropriate legalization for Ukraine, Document confirming the registration of residence in Ukraine and supporting document granting the right to submit documents.

  • 3
    Obtaining an immigration permit
    366 UAH 41,040.00

    The lawyer monitors the process of obtaining an immigration permit, informs the client about the situation, as well as the readiness of the document to receive. Monitors the status and nature of responses from State authorities on whether or not there are grounds for issuing or refusing an immigration permit. After obtaining an immigration permit, the lawyer and the client form a package of documents for submitting a residence permit. The cost of all administrative fees (notarial translation, passport) the client pays separately.

    As a result of this step the Client receives the text of the immigration permit.

  • 4
    Granting and obtaining permanent residence
    20 UAH 2,280.00

    The lawyer monitors the process of obtaining a permanent residence permit and informs the client about the status of the case, as well as the readiness of the document to be received.

    As a result of this stage, the client receives a permanent residence permit or a refusal to obtain a permanent residence permit together with a legal opinion of a lawyer.

In general
390 UAH 50,160.00

Permanent visa in Ukraine: features of obtaining it

Currently, it is possible to obtain the right to permanent residence and business in our country. For this, you need to issue a special certificate - this applies to all foreign persons and those who do not have a certain citizenship. How to obtain a residence permit in Ukraine, the sequence of issuing this permit and the list of persons who can apply for it, is prescribed in detail in the current legislation.

Who can obtain a permanent residence permit?

Only certain persons acquire the visa for permanent residence in Ukraine, but it is quite broad. There are several groups of citizens that are related to the state to one degree or another.

Registration of PMP in Ukraine: group #1

Natural persons arriving in Ukraine under the immigrant quota include:
●       Workers of science and culture whose work can benefit the country.
●       Professional masters of technical and other areas, provided that Ukraine needs their services.
●       Individuals who invest more than 100,000 USD in the country's economy.
●       Relatives are relatives. Grandparents, siblings, grandchildren, etc. can get a permanent residence permit, but under the condition that a direct relative must be a resident or have the right to permanent residence.
●       Persons belonging to the category of former residents.
●       Spouses, legal parents and children of a person moving to Ukraine.
Persons and citizens who have received refugee status and have lived in the country for 3 years.
Victims of crimes related to personal freedom also receive a permanent residence permit in Ukraine. In this case, it is possible to issue a certificate only after 3 years of permanent residence in the territory of the state with this status.

PMP in Ukraine for foreigners: group #2

This group includes the following natural persons:
●       One of the spouses, but on the condition that the marriage has been registered for more than 2 years and the second spouse has the status of a resident of Ukraine.
●       Parents and children of resident citizens of Ukraine.
●       Persons who have the right to receive PMP according to the principle of territorial birth.
●       Foreigners who are custodians or guardians of citizens of Ukraine.
●       Persons who need a permit for a permanent place of residence due to the emergence of interest in it from the state.
●       Ukrainians, as well as their spouses and/or children, who have been living abroad for a long time.
Issuing a residence permit: nuances
As a rule, it is easiest to obtain a PMP in Ukraine if a person is already physically in the country. If he permanently lives abroad, but wishes to have a PMP, he must first obtain the right to enter. After that, the consulate in Ukraine issues him a visa valid for one year.
Those planning to move to Ukraine are also interested in where they get a residence permit. The procedure is carried out in the relevant departments for citizenship affairs, they are part of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After that, the citizen acquires the status of an immigrant and now, unlike stateless persons and foreigners, he can get a job, while obtaining a work permit in the country is not required. Also, he does not need a visa to enter the territory of the state, there is no need to have a residence permit.

Why it is convenient and profitable to get a permanent residence permit in Ukraine

The issuance of a permanent residence permit is available to persons of foreign origin and those who do not have citizenship, this gives them huge advantages, we will mention some of them.
It is possible to cross the border of Ukraine at any moment without registration and with strictly limited deadlines. While the permissible period of stay in Ukraine for other persons is limited to short-term periods, the maximum is 90 days.
Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Ukraine will make it possible to get rid of the need to have an employment permit or burden the company that hires a foreigner under an employment contract with the process of issuing this document.
There are no position restrictions. While in the case of obtaining an employment permit, a person who plans to take a managerial position will have to prove that it is necessary in the interests of the company or the state.
In Ukraine, the PMP excludes a number of expenses, for example, health insurance, a fee at the consulate, while such payments are mandatory for those who have received a visa and a temporary residence permit.
The term of continuous residence in the country is not limited. While a temporary residence permit has a deadline — the document must be renewed every year.
However, it should be remembered that obtaining a PMP in Ukraine does not mean that in the future you can forget about organizational points. The certificate must be changed after reaching the age of 25, then at the age of 45.

Permanent residence permit in Ukraine: documents and legal assistance

Foreigners, as well as stateless persons who plan to come to Ukraine or states that have already arrived in the territory, in order to issue a residence permit, often turn to lawyers who specialize in this matter. This allows you to significantly reduce the time and facilitate the process of issuing a certificate. However, lawyers work strictly according to a certain plan.
First of all, when getting to know the client, the specialist analyzes the situation under consideration, considering the documentation that is in the client Then he finds out the true purpose of obtaining a residence permit and determines to which category, first or second, the client belongs. After that, the mandatory work of a lawyer is to determine the legality of the client's stay near Ukraine. He draws his conclusions based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers dated February 15, 2012. Based on the results of the measures taken, the lawyer concludes whether it is possible to obtain a certificate.

PMP in Ukraine: documents that a lawyer needs

It is difficult to say exactly what documents will be needed for a permanent residence permit in Ukraine, since the list is determined individually. Let's note the papers that can definitely come in handy, they are needed so that a lawyer can competently analyze the situation and start his work:
●       Passport.
●       A document confirming the right of temporary residence (if available).
●       Documents that confirm that a person has all the grounds for a PMP, that is, in fact, can immigrate to Ukraine. These can be a birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc. papers defined by the legislation of Ukraine. The duration of the list depends on which category the client belongs to.
When the documents for a permanent residence permit in Ukraine are collected, the lawyer applies to the division of the state migration service at the place of residence. The client should also understand that in the process of issuing a certificate, administrative costs await him, for example, mandatory fees, translations, notarial assurances, etc. This additional fee is not included in the lawyer's services.
During the entire period of consideration of documents, the lawyer's task is to monitor the process of obtaining permission for a permanent residence permit in Kyiv or any other city of the country. Periodically, the specialist informs the client about the progress of the case, orients the deadlines for the documents to be ready for receipt. As soon as the lawyer receives official permission, he forms a package of documents for the certificate.

How much does a residence permit cost: what does the price depend on

It is impossible to say exactly how expensive it is to get a PMP in Ukraine, since a lot depends on which group of emigrants a citizen belongs to, how many and in what condition the documents are. However, in the near future you can organize the issuance of a permanent residence permit in Ukraine if you use the capabilities of our online service.
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    Володя Ралець

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    Відмінний додаток! З ним я знайшов юриста за лічені хвилини. Зручний інтерфейс та багато функцій роблять його найкращим вибором для пошуку кваліфікованої юридичної допомоги.

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    Завдяки цьому додатку я швидко знайшов досвідченого юриста, який допоміг мені розібратися у моїй правовій ситуації. Простий у використанні та результативний

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    Через додаток вирішив своє питання! Дякую

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    Дуже дякую за допомогу, рада що звернулась. Однозначно рекомендую, в наш час знайти достовірну інформацію дуже важко, але виявляється можливо))

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    Доволі все добре працює. Почав користуватися недавно але вже задоволений. Консультантами задоволений. Дякую. Буду звертатись й надалі.

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    Був у ДШВ. Отримав поранення. Все нормально, поставили на ноги, але не хочу бути тягарем для побратимів. Ротний сам запропонував звільнитись по сімейним. Тільки попросив правильно складений рапорт, бо їм наверх відчитатись треба. Зателефонував сюди. порадили юриста. Все за 2 дні зробив. можу радити іншим

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