Today, the biggest problem for Ukrainians is the lack of knowledge and understanding of how to act in difficult situations, where to turn, and how to protect their rights. From the first days of the war, the Charitable Foundation Soldiers of Peace, with the support of the law firm "Prykhodko and Partners", as well as the legal marketplace "Consultant", which brought together over 500 volunteer lawyers, initiated a charitable initiative - free legal consultation for every Ukrainian!
Already more than 2,000 free consultations have been provided, and we are not stopping. We help people deal with issues of mobilization and conscription into the Armed Forces of Ukraine, compensation for damage caused by the war, social guarantees for children, women, and low-income families, as well as other issues of citizens' rights violations in wartime conditions.
“We are extremely grateful to Google for also supporting our initiative and providing a grant to spread information on the internet.”